Page 11 of Cruel Saints
There are two benches, the fountain obscuring the view between them. All the shade makes the air cooler, and I wrap my arms around myself as I step closer to the fountain.
The centerpiece is made of cherubs holding onto the dress of a woman. She stares longingly down at them as if they’re her children. The sight makes a pang of sadness sweep through me.
It’s heartbreaking that a statue is able to express more love than I’ve been given in my life.
Chapter 5
The Present – Elena; 21. Lucian; 24.
Seated at my usual table for dinner, my eyes lock onto the raven-haired beauty as she walks into the dining room. She’s wearing the same dress she had on earlier this afternoon, which is a surprise. Usually, guests make an extra effort when they’re meeting with Madame Keller.
The woman is of average height, but that’s where average ends when it comes to her. Her skin is snow-white, giving me the impression she’s delicate and can easily be bruised. Her toned legs are shapely, an eye-catcher for sure.
My gaze follows the curve of her hips and breasts before locking onto her face again. For a third time today, something unknown stirs in my chest.
I’m used to women throwing themselves at my feet, but this woman has avoided me twice already. Earlier, in the armory, she practically ran from the sight of me. She now has my attention whether she wants it or not.
With my family being the head of the Mafia, we know everyone. Still, I’ve never seen this woman before, which makes her that much more intriguing.
I watch as she’s greeted by Madame Keller, the architect of St. Monarch’s. They talk for a moment, and then Madame Keller turns, and they head in my direction.
Well, the mystery of who this woman is will be solved soon enough.
As they near my table, I rise to my feet.
“Mr. Cotroni,” Madame Keller says, her voice laced with respect for the title and power I hold. “We have a new guest.” Madame Keller glances at the woman, then introduces her, “Elena Lucas. If I’m not mistaken, your families have business ties with each other.”
“Lucas?” I ask, shocked to hear the name linked to the woman. My eyes narrow on her as I wonder why we weren’t aware of her existence. Surprises are never a good thing in our world. Especially when it comes to Valentino Lucas. Things have been strained between our families for as long as I can remember.
Finally, Elena meets my gaze, and then fear tightens her features.
She definitely knows who I am.
Tilting my head slightly, I say, “I wasn’t aware Tino had a daughter.”
Elena doesn’t offer me an explanation for the secrecy surrounding her. Instead, she lowers her eyes to the table as she softly says, “Mr. Cotroni, it’s an honor making your acquaintance.”
“Lucian,” I offer.
“May we join you for dinner?” Madame Keller asks.
With my gaze still locked on the mysterious Elena Lucas, I reply, “Of course.”
I take my seat again and watch as the two women sit down. Elena’s spine is straight with tension, her eyes trained in front of her, obviously avoiding looking at me. It only makes me more guarded. My father taught me to be extra vigilant around anyone who can’t make eye contact. It means they’re definitely hiding something.
“Did Tino keep you a secret for a reason?” I ask, wanting to know the story behind her sudden appearance. My father also taught me to question everything and to trust no one.
“No,” Elena murmurs, her voice soft and feminine.
A frown begins to form on my forehead, and my eyes snap to Madame Keller, who quickly explains, “Valentino kept Elena in isolation for her own protection.”
“Where?” I ask as my gaze returns to Elena. “I’ve been to the villa and never saw you.”
Why the fuck would Valentino Lucas hide his only heir from us?
“My father doesn’t involve me in his business, which is why I was surprised he sent me here,” Elena says, and then relief flutters over her features as a waiter interrupts us.
I wait for the ladies to place their orders before giving my own to the waiter. “Bourbon, neat. Filet, medium.”
When the waiter leaves, Madame Keller’s mouth tips up at the corners. Even though she’s in her seventies, she still carries remnants of her beauty. “Elena is here to learn the trade. She’s late in joining, so I hope you’ll take her under your wing.”
The corner of my mouth curves up as I let out a chuckle. “You know it’s everyone for themselves in our world.”
Madame Keller matches my chuckle with her own. “You have business ties. Her gain is your gain, is it not?”
“Right now it is.” My gaze snaps back to Elena, who’s still refusing to look at me. “Tomorrow, it might be a different story altogether,” I mutter.