Page 5 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
And I'm kinda done with the bullshit. Three years in deep space without dick (and a really ugly few weeks before) proved to me that I don't need a man -- or a woman. I just need my hand and my imagination and I have a great time, thank you very much. Penises are overrated, especially when attached to an alien.
I watch Kaspar carefully for the next day, though, just in case I've read him wrong and he decides to push himself on me. He goes about his normal routine, though (minus the gun cleaning) and then lies back on his cot to take a nap. He's quiet, as utterly unruffled as ever. Like none of this bothers him.
I hate silence, though. He might be perfectly content with it, but I need some sort of stimulation. "Here," I finally say, holding out his gun again. "You can have this back."
He opens an eye and glances over at me, not moving a muscle otherwise. "You don't want it?"
"I don't know how to use it and I'm a little afraid I'd shoot a hole in our ship," I admit, holding it out to him. I've had a lot of time over the last day to think about this weapon and I've decided that having it makes me more uneasy than being unarmed. It's better off in experienced hands. "Plus, if you really wanted to fuck me up, you'd just do it while I was sleeping, or in the lavatory. It's not like this gun keeps me magically safe now."
Kaspar grunts and holds his hand out. I smack the blaster into his palm, and I can't help but notice how big his damn hand is compared to mine. His fingers are large and thick and his palm is probably as big as my face, which is a little alarming. But he just tosses the gun onto the far end of his bunk and goes back to reclining in silence.
I lie back on mine again, staring up at the ceiling. Bored. Bored bored bored…
"Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
I glance over at my previously silent companion. "You did, though. I literally have nowhere to go if you try anything."
He grunts. "I didn't think about that. I was just suggesting it because it's literally one of the few things we can do that's entertaining." He thinks for a moment. "Good cardio, too."
Just like a man. Kaspar sounds a little remorseful, though, which is good. "Look at it from my point of view. Every time I run into an alien, he wants to stick his dick into me, regardless of what I want. I'm not a…a pocket, damn it."
Kaspar folds his hands behind his head. "There's your problem."
"You're running around with aliens that stick their dicks into pockets. Of course they're not very good at sex."
I reach across the aisle and smack his big arm. "It's a figure of speech!" He grins, a mischievous look on his face, and I laugh despite myself. It's hard to stay irritated at the guy when he's like this. Plus…we're stuck together for better or for worse. So I keep a smile on my face and try again. "Can we please just be friends?"
"Of course we can," he says. "I really am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. My brothers always say I act first and think later." Kaspar shrugs, a wearing a sheepish expression. "It's a habit I can't seem to break myself of."
"Well you have plenty of time to practice right now," I say, gesturing all around us. "So much time."
"Weeks and weeks," he agrees. "Maybe more."
I sit upright on my bunk, suddenly terrified. "You really think we'll be out here for weeks and weeks?"
He glances over at me, his face unreadable. "I've been stranded for longer. It's not as if you were in the midst of a busy area, either. This is a remote section of space. Hence the inukni worms. I don't like to gamble on the tabs in these sorts of things being enough."
I rub my forehead at the thought. Weeks and weeks more in this thing? The possibility that we might starve in this little closet of a spaceship before anyone ever finds us? I fight back a whimper because whining will do no good. "Tell you what," I joke. "If we have to bust out the worms, ask me about sex again. I figure at that point I'll need a hell of a distraction."
Just then, a sound chimes in the escape pod. "Ship incoming," the computer tells us in a pleasant voice. "Please secure all valuables."
We both sit up, startled.
"Rescue?" Alice asks, a hopeful note in her voice.
I get to my feet and head for the pod's single window. My heart sinks at the sight there. Skimmer class. It's an older type of ship that's not all that popular nowadays unless you throw a ton of illegal modifications onto it…which means it's more likely that we've been found by pirates than by friendlies. V'tarrian space won't have a lot of friendlies, period.