Page 45 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
I flick at the auto-fastener at his waist, and his pants make a slithering sound, and then the fabric is loose around him, his cock practically pushing out into my hand. "Hi there," I murmur, amused. "You're happy to see me."
"Just do me a favor and keep my important bits away from your pet."
Sterre. Right. I glance over at the carinoux, but it's clear that the big cat has zero interest in watching us make out. She's cleaning her paws with bored licks, and when she sees me glance over, her tail flicks once. She lifts a leg and starts to clean other parts of her body, and I can't help but feel it's her telling me what she thinks of Kaspar. I bite back a laugh. "She's not interested in your bits."
But I sure am.
I slither a bit lower, until I'm sitting just below his knees. My hands go to his hips, and I admire the sight of him. I've seen him a few times when I wasn't supposed to be looking, and from afar. Now, though, I get to blatantly stare at the sight of him. Kaspar's got a fascinating dick. I remember the first time I had sex with one of the big blue aliens and how I'd thought it was awful that so much fun equipment was put on a slaving rapist. I didn't enjoy all the trappings then, but they hit differently on Kaspar. He's got a big, thick spur that's broad and wide, instead of the jabby things I've been hit with in the past. I avoid it anyhow, just because I'm not entirely sure what to do with it, and focus on the good stuff. His cock is big—of course it is, it's size proportionate—but now that my hand is on him, I realize just how thick he is. Those fat, ribbed ridges that crawl up his shaft are alongside the occasional vein, leading to the flare of his cockhead. He's big and thick here, too, but most interesting of all are a series of four piercings lined up like soldiers on the head of his cock.
I thought I'd seen metal there before, but now I'm getting a really good look at it and I'm fascinated. I touch one of the rounded metal balls and I'm not surprised that it's wet. Even as I watch, another bead of pre-cum springs on the tip of his cock and slides down to hit the piercings. "What are these for?"
His entire body twitches underneath me. "What do you mean? They're for you."
"For me, specifically?"
When I glance up at him, I'm surprised to see that his cheeks are dark, as if he's flushing. "A male mesakkah gets them to pleasure his partner."
I suddenly want to slap his cock. "You have a fucking PARTNER?"
I start to get off of him when he grabs me by the waist and hauls me back down over him, my breasts smacking against his chest. I snarl at him, and then a louder growl echoes in both of our ears.
Sterre. She's no longer bored. Now she's glaring at Kaspar as if she wants to eat him, and her head is stunningly close to mine.
Kaspar licks his lips. "I have a partner," he says, choosing his words carefully. "She's atop me right now."
Oh. I feel like I can breathe again. "You just met me."
"Most males get them in anticipation of a future partner, yes." He gives me a crooked smile, nervously looking over at Sterre. "It's mostly just wishful thinking. Can you please tell your friend that before she eats a chunk of me that I'd like to keep?"
I put a hand on Sterre's face. "Not now, baby girl. We're playing." The carinoux doesn't look convinced, so I lean over Kaspar again and kiss his face, over and over, avoiding his mouth. I want to kiss him on the lips, want a few more of those soul-drugging kisses, but I know what it's like to feel anxious and vulnerable and if it makes him uncomfortable, I can skip it.
I keep peppering Kaspar's skin with kisses until Sterre makes a chuffing sound of exasperation and stalks away.
Kaspar sighs with relief, his head going back. "Thank kef." One hand slides up my spine. "I hope it means I'm safe to touch you again."
"I like your hand on me," I admit. "Keep it there." I nibble on his throat, then work my way back down him again, determined to head back toward his cock. "So have you ever had a mate in the past, then? Or do you just grab your cock when the need hits you?"
Am I being nosy and asking how many partners he's had in the past? Damn right I am. I'm feeling all kinds of possessive when it comes to him.
"I've had a few flings in the past," Kaspar says, his fingertips lazily tracing over my arm and along my shoulder. "Never had a mate…until now."