Page 33 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
I guess I should count myself lucky that it didn't sit ON my head.
"I think someone's not a fan of competition," Alice says in a playful voice, rubbing the thing's ears. "You're just jealous, aren't you, Sterre?"
She's gorgeous like this, all tousled, wild yellow hair and glowing skin. It's her smile that takes my breath away…that, and the fact that she's still straddling me, and I can feel every twitch that courses through her body. "Sterre?" I echo. "You named it?"
"I did." Alice shrugs, scratching the thing's chin. "I had a white cat named Sterre when I was a girl. It means “star” in Dutch."
I don't know what a “dutch” is, but I'm a little worried. "We can't keep this thing, Alice."
"She's just going to keep us company for a bit. Like a guard dog." She rubs the thing's neck and makes kissy faces at it. "Aren't we, Sterre? Yes we are, girl."
I lift a finger, and the thing's tail thwacks the side of my head again. "Small problem. It hates me."
"It won't touch you now that it thinks you're mine," Alice says confidently. "I just rubbed my scent all over you, remember?" Her gaze turns back to me and her eyes are so, so bright.
"Maybe you should rub me one more time, just to make sure you got me good and covered," I murmur. "Just in case."
I expect Alice to shoot me a nasty look or to ignore me. Instead, she leans back over me again and rubs herself all over me, looping her arms around my neck and wriggling atop me. I groan. No male was ever so tortured.
She leans in and licks me, from chin to the tip of my nose, and then chuckles, delighted with herself. "Better?"
That lick should not have turned me on half as much as it did, but kef. Now I'm thinking about her doing that to my cock and it's pretty much never going to deflate at this point. I'm going to wander this entire planet half-mast and aching. "In certain ways, better, yes."
The playful human gives me one last kiss and then flings herself off me, jumping to her feet. "So what now? Do we look for shelter?" She studies the carinoux. "You think I could ride it? Nah, that'd probably be weird. Might be unfair to Sterre, too." She puts her hands on her hips and confidently studies our surroundings.
Funny how the tables have turned. Before this big predator showed up, I was the cocky one. Now Alice is strutting like she's in charge and…I like it. I love seeing the confidence in her. More than that, I want her to kiss me again. Slowly, I get to my feet, watching the carinoux. It glances over at me but seems far more interested in Alice, circling around the area and then flopping to the ground nearby to clean its paws. It keeps one eye on me at all times—of course it does—but when Alice doesn't act threatened by me, it calms down.
To it, she's the alpha female.
"Shelter, yeah." I brush a bit of debris off my skin. "We need to find a good, safe place to set up for the night. Build a fire. See what we can collect for supplies. Then we'll head off again in the morning."
Alice glances over at me. "Head off? And go where?"
I shrug. "You can't see much of this planet staying in one place, can you? Not much adventure huddling in a cave for weeks on end, waiting for rescue."
"Or waiting for our tabs to run out," she says thoughtfully. "You know what? You're right. I'm going to take the bull by the horns and seize the day and carpe diem and all that shit. Let's have ourselves an adventure, Kaspar." She glances over at Sterre. "Now that we have an attack cat, I'm ready to take on whatever this planet can throw at us."
I grin.
I mean, it's a little terrifying to think of both of us rushing headlong into danger. Alice needs to be protected, after all, and if she's not going to look out for herself, I'm going to have to do it. "One adventure at a time, Sunshine. For now, we should find someplace safe for you to bunk down for the night."
It's taken me a good day or so after our crash landing, but I'm kinda feeling myself right now. I've got a killer cat at my side, and I just kissed the hell out of a pantsless alien who had to let me be in charge.
Not the worst day I've had lately.
I glance over at Kaspar, who's gone quiet as we follow the stream, looking for something that might make a decent shelter. There's no cave that we can find, just more ferns and tumbled rocks. At least there's no bugs climbing out of the ground to eat me, though. I stomp my feet on the muddy ground just to be sure.