Page 26 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
"Only one way to find out." He turns his head slightly, grinning at me. "Hang on, we're going to test something."
I clutch his neck tighter as his muscles bunch, and then Kaspar leaps over the stream. I might scream in his ear. A little. Just a little. Once we're on the other side, he shifts his weight, and the next thing I know, I'm on the ground.
I let out a yelp of alarm and start to climb him again. "Wait!"
"It's all right," he reassures me. "The ground feels different on this side. I don't think the bugs are over here." He detangles my clinging arms from his waist and gives me an encouraging look. "Go take a few steps away. If I'm wrong, I'll swoop in and save you again. Be brave."
I bite back a whimper of distress. Be brave. Oh sure. Easy to say when you're seven feet tall and horned. But he's giving me that expectant gaze, and I suppose I can at least try. I take a few small steps away from him. My legs are tight after being locked around his torso all day long, and I take my time. I pace away a few steps, testing the ground. It feels different here, less spongy. It feels solid, and when nothing emerges from the ground to eat me, I let out the breath I'm holding and give him a thumbs up. "I think we're good."
Kaspar grins at me. "Told you."
I make a face at him. "Excuse me for not wanting to get eaten."
He just laughs at my expression, turning to study our surroundings. "Well, if we can drink this water, we'll have one problem down at least. We've got a decent amount of tabs, and now we just need shelter." Kaspar glances over at me. "I'm going to take a look around. You stay here. Try not to get into trouble."
"Is it safe for us to split up?" I immediately want to grab his hand again.
"I won't go far. Just scream. I'll be back before anything can eat both of your feet."
"Wow, that's so comforting. Thanks."
Kaspar grins and heads off into the ferns. I watch him move away, but he's not going far, it looks like. He's just kinda getting the lay of the land, looking around at everything and studying our surroundings. "I'll just be a moment," he says, and disappears behind a tree. "Stay put."
This is an excellent time for me to pee, since I've had to hold it all day. I take another look at Kaspar, but he's got his back to me and is walking even farther away. I find the largest fern I can, pop a squat, and do my business. I move to the water's edge and wash my hands, grateful I can do so. The water is cool and feels wonderful against my sticky skin, and I splash a bit on my face. I'll wait until Kaspar comes back to drink. I park myself by the water's edge, watching the crystalline liquid burble over the rocks and move from the pond to the stream.
As I watch it, it makes me thirsty, and I glance around for Kaspar. No sign of him.
I get to my feet and dust my clothes off, which causes another rip in my heavily modified space suit. Jesus. At this rate, I'm going to be wearing nothing but a smile by the end of the day tomorrow, and goosebumps prickle all over my skin. I think about Kaspar, and how I rubbed all over him all day long, and how I didn't hate it. How his skin was rather pleasant to the touch. Warm and sweaty, sure, but soft, too, and covering an intensely attractive set of muscles.
He probably hated every moment of it, though.
Curious where he's headed off to, I move away from the stream. I keep my footsteps quiet, because…well, I don't know why. If Kaspar's taking a shit, I don't want him to catch me watching him. I'll just back away quietly and try to erase the thought from my mind. But I do want to know where he's gone off to, so I head in the direction he did—
And stop when I see his broad form. He's still behind the tree I saw earlier, his hand on the trunk of it. His other is gripping his cock…and he's working it with slow, steady motions of his hand.
I should look away. I should absolutely look away.
I don't, though.
I have been aching with need for Alice all day long. Every step felt like agony, my trou tight against my groin, holding my cock trapped in place. I have needed release for hours now, and my sweet little human companion has no idea of what she does to me. She has no idea that when she leans in to speak in my ear, she makes my skin prickle with arousal. She has no idea that her grip on my bare skin makes my mind go to filthy places. That my hands on her legs as she clings to me remind me of far different sorts of situations.