Page 12 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
I wonder if I have time to jerk one out.
It's been over a week since I've had any sort of relief, and the need for it hits me hard. If Alice is in there as long as she always is, I should have just enough time. I hastily undo my belt and shove my hand into my trou, gripping my length. I'm rock-hard and aching, my skin so sensitive it feels as if I'm going to explode if I don't take care of this. I think of Alice in the sonics, running her hands over her thighs and her ass, and my breath hisses out. I pump my shaft, hard and fast, my thoughts full of the human and her bright yellow hair, her pale eyes, her body, the way she gripped my tail…
I bite back a groan. Kef me, but it feels good to touch myself. It'd feel better if it was her hand instead of mine, but I'll take what I can get. Working my hand up and down, I squeeze harder as I move over the head of my cock, adding a bit of friction, careful to avoid my piercings. Alice's grip would be tight, I think. Her hands are small and she's got that extra finger like all humans—
The escape pod jerks hard, swerving in its path and sending me crashing against the far side of my bunk.
The thin doors of the lavatory open, spilling a naked Alice out onto the floor. The sonics keep going, the low hum of the cleansers continuing to work despite the fact that Alice is no longer inside.
Panting, I stare down at her. I've been caught with my hand down my pants—literally. There's no way to hide what I've been up to. My cock is pointing toward the ceiling, as hard as ever, and my hand's wrapped around it.
Alice doesn't move from her spot on the floor. For a moment, I think she's injured. But she takes a deep, shuddering breath and our eyes meet.
That's when I notice that her hand is between her thighs.
A moment later, the scent of her arousal hits me. She was…touching herself. She was seeking release at the same time I was.
The thought should shrivel my cock. She dislikes aliens so much that she'd rather touch herself in the sonic shower than let me put a hand on her. It doesn't, though. My cock's as hard as ever. I imagine it's due to the fact that Alice is lying on the floor, panting, her strange yellow hair spread out around her head. Her breasts are heaving as if she's been running, and that hand is still enticingly between her legs. The scent of her musk spills through the escape pod's cabin, and I'm tempted to stroke my cock again, just to see what she'd do.
Alice swallows hard.
Neither one of us says anything. It's like we're waiting for the other to speak, to point out what we were both doing.
The human parts her lips. "Ah…what just happened?"
I guess I should be the first to concede this silent battle. I shift my weight and stuff my still-aching cock back into my trou, activating the auto-fastener and adjusting things so nothing snags on my piercings. "The pod corrected our flight path. I think it's found somewhere safe for us to land."
Alice sits up, grabbing the plas-film blanket off of her bunk and clutching it to her chest. Her glorious body is hidden away, except for her bare back, and she looks at me over her shoulder. "That…that's good news, right?"
"Yes and no."
"Why yes and no?"
"We're still in V'tarrian space, so there won't be a lot of friendlies if it's a ship. I doubt it's a planet, because we're nowhere near any sort of civilization. The best luck would be an abandoned mining station somewhere, and I'm not sure about that sort of thing. Abandoned stations tend to get re-occupied again and usually by the wrong types."
"So more pirates, you're telling me," Alice says, getting to her feet. She wraps the sheet around her entirely and sits down on the edge of her bunk. Her gaze flicks to my bulging crotch—all the more evident by my tight trou—and then back to my face. It's obvious Alice has decided to say nothing about the fact that we were both caught in the act. Fine, then. I won't say a thing either.
"Pirates, or slavers, or escaped convicts. Take your pick." I pause, considering. "And possibly V'tarrians, because they don't like mesakkah. Or humans."
"Well gosh, this universe sounds so great. I'm so glad I left the safety of my abandoned ship," Alice says sarcastically. "Back there, I only had to worry about getting sucked into an ice ring and eating noodles for the rest of my life. Now I have a whole variety of enemies to worry about."