Page 111 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
"Don't forget Sterre," Kas says.
Her tail flicks against the roots of the tree, as if she understands her name.
I pause, looking up at Kaspar. "What do you mean? Don't you think it's kinder to leave her here? Wouldn't it be selfish to take her?"
He shakes his head. "She lost her mind the moment you disappeared, Sunshine. She's completely bonded to you, and with a baby on the way, I can't imagine that bond will decrease. If you leave her behind, you'll make her miserable. And carinoux do all right in space, provided they have a lot to chew on." He frowns slightly. "We'll just have to keep her busy…and maybe introduce her to the other one."
"You're not selling that other carinoux," I warn him. I can only imagine how I'd feel watching Sterre's twin get sold right before my eyes.
Kaspar snorts. "I imagine not. If he's half as bonded to Sophie as this one is to you, we're doomed."
My mind is on fire. I hold Alice while she sleeps, exhausted. We rest against the trunk of the tree, tucked against the thick roots, and Sterre lounges directly over Alice's side, atop one of the large roots. Salvotor is out there keeping guard, and all is quiet.
I'm drained, too, but my brain is lit up with ideas. There'll be no sleep for me tonight. I'm too charged up.
Alice wants to be a corsair. She doesn't want to go to a farm planet. She wants to stay with me. I couldn't be happier. If it means a lifetime of waking up with one of Sterre's many paws on my head for the rest of my days, I don't care. Alice will be at my side every step of the way. There's so much to teach her, too. First and foremost, I need to show her how to use weapons properly. How to hold a blaster. How to slide out of an enemy's grip easily. The spot you jab under the arm of a szzt to get them to go down immediately. And navigating, too. She wants to learn that, which means I need to show her how to read star charts and how to run a ship.
Kef me, I guess I need to teach her how to read Homeworld script, too.
I'm excited about all of it. Showing Alice my universe on my terms feeds that fire inside me that needs to be constantly stoked. She's only seen the terrible things that the universe has to offer, but I can show her the other side. There are high-end space station cantinas with thirty-two different kinds of noodles and you can feast for hours. Games of sticks played with friends. Nights in a cozy bunk on ship. Flying toward a brilliantly colored nebula while the enemy trails behind you, unable to catch up.
Mating in no gravity. Mating in a soft bed. Mating in a clean shower.
Fresh clothes not made of plas-film.
Companions that won't steal your only weapon.
Seeing the entire universe as you travel from planet to planet, station to station.
There are so many good things about being a corsair. She'll love it. I know she will. And I'll be there to guide her and keep her safe every step of the way. I hold my female close, and when Sterre's tail baps me on the face, I just smile. Life is good.
Alice wakes up just before dawn, lets out a jaw-cracking yawn, and then immediately snuggles against my chest again, her hand going to my cock.
I groan, because I have to be the responsible party. Man, I hate being the responsible party. I gently pry her hand off my now-stiffening cock. "Much as I would love to, Sunshine, we need to get going."
"Mmm, party pooper." She gives me a sultry smile. Alice is always a little amorous in the mornings, and it keffing kills me to have to turn her down. Statues will be erected to my sacrifice in this moment, because this is the most unselfish thing anyone in the universe has ever done.
I kiss her, hard, and then force myself to my feet, pulling her up after me.
Alice immediately puts her head to my chest, pressing her ear against my skin. "Lungs sound good."
Oh. Huh. I've been so elated with finding her that I haven't even thought about my lungs all night. I'll still be glad when I get my data pad working again, but it's no longer as stressful as it was. I rub my chest thoughtfully as Alice gives me a pat and then stretches. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" I ask as Sterre yawns and gets to her feet, moving to stand alongside Alice. "Need to find a bush? I'm going to go with you this time, by the way."
"Yes, yes, and yes. And I would be absolutely thrilled if you go with me," Alice says. "Fuck privacy."