Page 95 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
He collapses next to me, rolling onto the bed and panting, and I stare up at the ceiling in a state of near-catatonic bliss. Lord have mercy, that was amazing. "So," I manage, sucking in deep breaths. "What…what's the plan for tomorrow?"
Adiron pulls me against him, snuggling up against my breasts. They push into his face and he gives a happy sigh of contentment. "Noodles and sex."
I chuckle, playing with his hair. "And the day after?"
"Noodles and sex."
"Is that going to be the plan every day for the next month?" I ask, amused.
The big alien lifts his head and our eyes meet. He grins at me. "You have a better idea?"
I pretend to consider. "No," I say after a moment, and hold him closer. "I really, really don't. Noodles and sex sounds pretty good to me."
Six Weeks Later
I'm off noodles.
It's finally happened. After years of eating the same shit, day in and day out, my body is finally rejecting our food source. I'd rolled out of bed, dodging Adiron's sprawled limbs, and padded to the kitchen to make breakfast. It's more noodles, of course. Noodles three times a day, in a few different flavors. But the moment I smell the cooking noodles, my stomach churns. I barely make it to the sink before I vomit the contents of my stomach. I puke a few times, then dry heave, and collapse onto the floor. I lean against the cabinet, feeling awful…but not surprised.
The scent bothered me yesterday. The texture, too. I sucked it up and ate anyhow, because there are no other options, and when I couldn't stomach any more, I pushed my bowl over to Adiron, who gleefully ate the rest. I was hoping it was a one-time situation, but it looks like not. Thankfully, we've got plenty of hot tea, so I get to my feet, make myself a cup, and hold my breath as I pour my noodles into Adiron's bowl.
Adiron pads into the kitchen a few minutes later and heads immediately for me. He presses a kiss to the top of my head, his tail curling around my shoulders. "Morning, love. How'd you sleep?"
"Good." I lean back against his thighs. "You?"
"Like a baby." He rubs his hands up and down over my arms, then palms my breasts. He's always touchy-feely in the mornings, and I lean back against him, enjoying the sensation of his hands on my body. "Kef me, you're beautiful," he says. "How am I so lucky?"
I suck in a breath as he teases my sensitive nipples through my clothing. "I made you breakfast."
"Hmm, breakfast or tits. Breakfast or tits." He pretends to consider, even as he massages my breasts in circular motions.
"Breakfast," I say firmly, pushing his hands away. "The tits are a little sensitive this morning."
Adiron plants one last kiss atop my head and then moves across the table to where the bowl is steaming and waiting for him. The moment he sits down, I put my feet in his lap, and he curls his tail around my ankle. It's a familiar routine for us. We like to keep touching, and it feels cozy this way. I sip my tea, relieved that my stomach seems to have settled a bit more. I watch as he eats a big bite, then glances over at me. "You already eat?" he asks.
I nod. He'll just worry if I tell him I puked, so I don't say anything at all. My stomach will just have to suck it up and realize that noodles are on the menu, whether I like it or not. I take another sip of tea and then tilt my head toward the wall unit. "I checked the comm. Nothing this morning."
He grunts, nodding. "Any day now. Just be patient."
"Patience is my middle name."
"Is it?" He takes another big bite. "Because I seem to recall someone whining last night how I wouldn't let her come—"
I kick him under the table. Not hard, just enough to make him laugh with amusement. Six weeks into our time together, and Adiron hasn't changed in the slightest. I wondered if he'd calm down once we settled in together, if the jokes would be fewer, if the sex would drop off once all the excitement and newness wore away.
I should have known better.
Adiron is the same big goof, day in and day out. He runs his mouth, pretends to be dumb, and yet manages to be clever and thoughtful and kind, and full of boundless energy. The sex hasn't slowed down at all, either. I'm sure some of it is because there's very little to do all day long, but Adiron is just as giving in bed now as he was weeks ago. He loves to make me come at least once before he's inside me, and he can't resist touching me all the time. We have sex at least twice a day. Not to just pass the time, but to learn each other. To talk and connect. His declarations of love are a daily thing, and I admit, I adore hearing them.