Page 85 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
Adiron doesn't share my reluctance, though. He wanders through the hold, rubbing a bit of condensation off each window and peering inside. He stares at each one with a little “hmph” and then goes on to the next. He does this for a while, offering a little bit of commentary as he walks.
"Praxiian," he says about one. "Probably a gladiator."
"Brown skin," he says about another. "Like you. Pretty."
"Pregnant," he says about yet another pod. He pauses over another and then turns back to one he just passed. "I thought humans didn't do cloning?"
"We don't," I tell him, edging to his side. I automatically reach for his belt, as if holding onto him will somehow fix the sense of unease I feel when looking at the sleepers. He tucks me close against him, his tail looping around my waist in an alien semi-hug. "Why do you ask?"
He points to a pod. "This one has the same face as that one." He points at the one behind him. "Do you think they're cloning the humans they capture?"
His question sends terror rocketing through me. Is it possible? Could something like that have happened while I was asleep? Is there another Jade somewhere out there having a miserable time in space? It's a horrible concept, and one that's never occurred to me. I peer at the window of the pod Adiron points at and study the sleeping woman's face. She's got red hair and a light dusting of freckles, big eyebrows and a small nose. I go to look at the other one…and breathe a sigh of relief. While they look similar, this one's face is rounder, the eyebrows less pronounced, her freckles less abundant. "They're sisters, I think. This one's not as freckled as that one."
Adiron leans over, studying the girls, and then gives me a sheepish look. "This is the part where you chastise me for thinking all humans look alike, right?"
I shake my head. "I'm too relieved to even give you a hard time. And I'm sure I'd probably run into the same scenario with your people. Alien features can be tricky."
"Especially humans," he points out, and taps my nose. "You all have such small faces and big, sad eyes."
I bat his hand away. "Very funny. We do not."
"You do too."
Hands on hips, I give him an irritated look. "Is that why you fell in love with me at first sight, then? Because I looked like every other human you've seen?"
"No, because you're much fiercer and your eyes aren't sad, just full of smarts." Adiron puts his hands to his chest. "And you have great big—"
I smack him lightly.
He just laughs. When he notices I'm not laughing with him, he takes my hand and tugs me close, pulling me against his chest. His big hand cups my face. "What's wrong, love?"
I shrug, and then because I'm weak, slide my arms around his waist and press my cheek to his chest. Being held by Adiron makes everything just a little bit better. "I don't like being in here. It's creepy and it makes me wonder what they did to me when I was asleep."
The big alien strokes my jaw. "You're with me now. I won't let anything happen to you ever again. I promise."
It seems like an awfully big promise to make, but I'll take it. I snuggle against his chest, letting him pet me for a few moments. "Let's just hurry up and get what we need, all right? You can come stare at them another time."
"Of course." He bends down and presses a kiss atop my head, right into my springy hair. "Where are the empty pods at?"
I take his hand. "Come on. I'll show you."
I lead him through the maze of coffin-like pods. I can tell that Adiron really wants to peek at all of them, his natural curiosity getting the better of him. It's because of me that he doesn't wander, and I appreciate that. He stays close to my side, as if he thinks I’ll need the moral support.
I gesture at the open coffins. They're at the far end of the bay, scattered into a heap. "Voilà."
"Perfect." He doesn't head right for them, though. Instead, he puts a hand on the back of my neck in an oddly possessive gesture and rubs it lightly. "If you want to go, you can. I know these bother you and it might take me a little time to get the components I need."
I love that he asks, almost as much as I love the heavy hand on my neck. It's like after last night, he's decided to claim ownership on me, and I am absolutely not upset about it in the slightest. In fact, I rather like it. The next month stretches out ahead of us with endless possibility. Him on top. Me on top. In the shower. Me on my knees. Me on the table. Me splayed out on the captain's station on the bridge again.