Page 57 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
"Humans go on dates in the vids I've seen," I tell her, picking another cold noodle off the napkin and eating it. "We dress up in our finest clothing, speak romantic words to one another, and share a romantic meal. Then afterwards, I walk you to your door and there's the potential for some kissing."
She laughs. "It always goes back to kissing with you, doesn't it?"
"I'm a male with a plan, what can I say?" I like that she's laughing, though. I like that the sparkle is returning to her eyes. "So is that a yes?"
Amusement brims in her eyes. "We're eating a meal you made right now. Why not have the date now?"
I shake my head. "Because it's going to be a special meal." Somehow. "And I'm going to make it special for you. We'll have mood lighting and music and everything, just like they do in the human vids. And if we do it later, it gives us both something to look forward to at the end of the day." This way, she gets a full day of distraction instead of just an hour or so.
Her smile remains and she stirs her noodles with one of her utensils. "I don't have anything fancy to wear."
"I don't either. We'll improvise. You could always wear your slave girl outfit…"
"Nice try." She chuckles. "That outfit has one specific job—to distract."
"It's effective. I still get distracted thinking about it." A lot. Like…a lot. "But if you're not comfortable in it, wear something else. Surprise me. I just want you to have a good time."
Her smile remains, but it fades a little. "You don't have to."
"I know. But we're here for the next month. We might as well get to know each other. Become friends. Really, really good friends."
She arches a brow at me. "Or is this the world's slowest seduction?"
Man, I hope it's not the slowest. I'm kinda hoping she'll just fall into my arms after a few weeks of flirting, but if it takes longer, I guess I can wait it out. "I'm not going to lie to you—part of this is so I can spend time with you. Romance you. Show you that you're the one for me." I shrug, trying to be sly. "Maybe sneak a kiss or two in there."
Her jaw drops, and she shakes her head, but she's laughing. "Damn, you do not beat around the bush, do you?"
"Being coy about what I want isn't going to get me anywhere," I point out bluntly. "I'm not smart enough for mind games. I like you. I want you. We're here together alone. Why not make the best of it? I'll shut up now if you want me to leave you alone, but I'm letting you know what I want out of this so you can plan accordingly."
Jade watches me for so long that I suspect she's going to tell me to kef off, that she's not interested. And if she isn't, well, I'll stop all the flirting. I know she's stuck here with me and pushing my wants on her would make her damn uncomfortable. She just needs to tell me what she wants and I'll play the role accordingly. But…I hope she wants me, just a little. She looks down at her breakfast noodles, stirring them slowly. "If I tell you to stop hitting on me, you will?"
Oh no. I hide my disappointment behind a wide, easy smile. "Well, yeah. If you're not interested, I'd just be a keffing monster if I pushed myself on you. My sister Zoey would beat the shit out of me with her puny fists the next time she saw me if I pulled anything. And just between you and me, she's a dirty fighter. Goes right for the balls."
She laughs again. If nothing else, I can make her laugh. I can brighten her day a little.
Jade picks up her bowl, not giving me an answer. She heads for the door and then pauses. "What time tonight?"
Hot damn. "Twenty-two hundred hours."
A little smile curves her mouth. "Wear something sexy for me."
Me? I laugh, amazed and delighted again by this female.
A date. It is absolutely the silliest idea…and yet it's exactly what I need. Adiron's smart. He knows I could use a distraction. Something to look forward to—even something as corny as a date in deep space when we're literally the only two around for thousands of miles—is perfect. I spend the afternoon picking through my admittedly small wardrobe, hand-sewing a few changes in my uniform with my makeshift needle created from an old chip that's been filed down to nothing, and thread that is made from thin strips of fabric. I bathe, then tease my hair, letting my natural curls fluff around my face. If I had makeup, I'd put some on, but I don't. That's the only thing that doesn't make this feel like a real date. There's no makeup, no perfume, no nails to paint.