Page 45 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
I can't get the vid-screen working. Or rather, I can, but we're so far out and there's so much interference from the nearby ice field that it can't link up to anything. I'm selfishly glad, because I don't want to give them a reason to decide to stay behind. I don't sabotage the vid-screen…but I would if it made a difference. I'd just pretend to be real stupid and accidentally put one of my tools through it or something. Kaspar or Mathiras would see through me right away, because they know me, but maybe these females wouldn't.
Doesn't matter, though. They don't tell me what's decided. No matter how much I hint that I'm curious, they just shake their heads, exchange meaningful looks, and talk discreetly about other things. They eat all the fruit and then one by one, head to bed.
Jade waits by the door, indicating that it's time for me to go to sleep, too.
I gesture at the room. "Maybe I'll stay here and clean up." I'm too wired to go to sleep. My entire life has changed in the space of a day. This morning, I woke up excited to go treasure hunting, and tonight, I'm going to sleep worried that my female—because Jade is definitely mine—is going to be stubborn and demand to stay behind. If she does, I'm going to have to kidnap her and her friends, because I'm not going to let her get stuck out here. Walking away from her is not an option, no matter how much she might think it is.
She's mine now. She just doesn't realize it yet.
By the door, Jade arches an eyebrow and gives me an amused look. "You forget I've seen your living quarters. I don't think you know how to clean anything."
Busted. I laugh. "I'm just not all that tired."
"Well, I am, and I'll feel more comfortable if I know you're in your quarters instead of poking around on the ship. Can you please just do this for me?" Her tone is weary, her smile tired.
Damn it. She knows just how to get to me. I can spar with a teasing Jade all night long, but weary Jade just makes me want to take care of her. "Of course."
She's quiet as we head through the silent, echoing halls of the Buoyant Star. The sour smell of the filters tickles my nose, but I can live with it for a day. The rest of the ship seems clean, at least, and I wonder if they know how to run the bots or if they just clean it all by hand out of sheer boredom. I can't imagine what their life is like on this ship, and if they can survive three years of being trapped, I guess I can live through one night of going to sleep early.
Even so, I have to be me. When we get to my door, I turn to Jade. "Don't suppose you'll let me tuck you in?"
She snorts, but her lips curl in a smile. She puts a hand on my chest, gently pushing me into my room. "Go sleep. There'll be plenty of time to harass me in the morning."
That sounds promising. "Because you'll be coming back with us?"
"I didn't say that," Jade replies quickly.
"Yeah, you did."
She gives my chest another, far-less-subtle nudge. "Just go to sleep already, okay?"
I grin at her. "My sister Zoey always wanted a kiss goodnight. Can I interest you—"
This time she shoves me, but I deserve it. I laugh to myself as the door slides shut and I'm alone in my quarters. You never know unless you ask, and I'm a big fan of asking.
Hours later, I still can't sleep. I lie on the bunk, scratching at the base of my horns, and stare at the ceiling. There's just too much to think about. My head is full of Jade and her smiles, Jade and her wariness, Jade and her need to protect those around her. She's so smart and responsible. I like that in a female. I like that she cares about others. I think of Shaalyn, who only liked people she could use. The difference between them is night and day…or human and mesakkah, I suppose.
I don't like thinking about Shaalyn, though, because that's long past. So I get to my feet and head out of my room, deciding to go for a nighttime walk. I know if Jade catches me, she'll think I'm spying, but I just need to get some of this restless energy out. I'm not going to touch anything she doesn't want me to touch. I head out of my room, the floors cold under my bare feet, and rub my arms. It's definitely cold on this ship, and I wonder if they're deliberately keeping the temperature down to conserve fuel? Or if it's just another thing they don't know how to fix?