Page 33 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
This is also a good time to escape.
I tiptoe toward the door as he steps under the spray, making as little noise as possible. The door doesn't open when I approach, but when I tap the panel, it opens. I peer out…
…and see three of the soldiers at the end of a long, bare hall.
Okay, so much for that. I glance back toward the bathroom and consider my options. I can make a break for it, but I won't get far. I can try to find the others—again, won't get far. Or I can stay here with Adiron and try to get some information out of him. Maybe he's got a gun lying around somewhere in this mess. With that thought in my mind, I pick up a pair of pants and squeeze the material, looking for something that might be left in a pocket somewhere. "So, uh," I call out. "Why am I in your room?"
"You fell asleep," he calls out from the shower. "I thought you might be more comfortable in a bed." Adiron laughs. "You're a terrible drunk, by the way."
"You shouldn't have gotten me drunk," I retort. "That is an absolute dick move."
"Yeah, I know." He doesn't sound all that concerned. "It worked, though."
I tiptoe toward the bathroom door, imagining all sorts of horrible things. What exactly did I say when I was three sheets to the wind? I try to remember but all that goes through my mind is that I cuddled on the man's lap. Ugh. "What worked? What did you do? And where are my friends?"
The shower shuts off, and a moment later, a big, naked alien comes sauntering out of the bathroom, the tiniest of towels over his groin. I let out a yelp of alarm, backing up to the wall and flattening myself against it. Adiron moves right past me, bends over, and starts digging through some of the laundry on the floor. "Gimme a sec. I figure we can have a better conversation if I'm not in the shower."
I stare in horror at his perfect ass. I mean, he's the enemy. He should not be built like a marble statue. I should not be noticing round, juicy buns underneath his tail. That is so wrong on so many levels. "Find some damn pants!"
"That's what I'm doing," Adiron says easily. He picks up a piece of clothing, sniffs it, and then tosses it down again. Then he finally moves toward a wall panel opposite me, touches it, and a closet unfolds from the wall. He yanks out a long piece of clothing, swipes his teeny tiny towel over his chest, and begins to dress.
I close my eyes so I don't see more than any captive should. I don't want to get used to his nudity. I don't want him to think it's okay to change in front of me. I'm not going to be casual about his sexuality, because that's a slippery slope. With this guy, it might start with just buns, but it cannot end up with me in his bed. So I keep my eyes squeezed shut and wait. "Tell me when you're decent."
"I'm never decent," he jokes. "But I have trou on now, if that's what you're asking."
I open one eye cautiously, just in time to see him adjust his clothed junk. He slides his arms into the top part of what must be a uniform or a jumper, and then runs a hand along the auto-fastener, fitting the fabric to his body. With a grin, Adiron regards me. "You're skittish."
"You would be too, if you were in my place."
"That's fair." He tilts his head, wet hair dripping in front of his eyes. "And your friends are fine. They're with the others. We've decided that you're our guests now."
Wait, what? "Hold on a moment. What are you talking about?"
Adiron turns and picks up a boot, then looks around the floor, obviously searching for its mate. "You told me that you guys were left behind by the crew of the ship. That you're low on food supplies and air filters. Your ship is also heading toward an ice field the size of a small galaxy, and if you get caught up in it, you're never going to be found again. So you're going to stay with us. You're our guests."
"I-I don't want to be your guest." Especially if it means waking up in his bed. I can only imagine what being a “guest” means. I'm sure they'll be nice at first, and then it'll turn into us needing to “earn” our keep somehow. That we're using up precious food, water, and oxygen, and we'll need to pay them back somehow. We'll be powerless and at the mercy of aliens once more. Not that we aren't in that situation already, but this is against my will. If I run headlong into danger, then I'm just as responsible for whatever happens to me. "I want to go back to the Buoyant Star. Take me and my friends there."