Page 8 of My Alien Beast (Draci Alien 3)
“I want to mate you,” First says, his voice rough with need. “Now. Say I may mate you. Say yes.”
I almost do.
It’s on the tip of my tongue. Maybe I don’t even have to say it. Maybe if I just nod.
But a wave of sanity crashes in at the last moment.
He kidnapped me.
He’s the enemy of all of my friends.
I don’t want to be here. I don’t want any of this. “No. Never,” I cry, feeling like a traitor even as I tremble from aftershocks of the orgasm he gave me.
He roars and pumps his shaft, spending his cum on my stomach instead of inside me.
And now I know I’m really going to hell because even the sight has my sex clenching in frustrated need.
Then he climbs up off me, his wings springing open again and he barely makes it to the door before leaping off his feet and into the sky.
Fool. Why did I not mate her? She was wet and readied for me. I have done endless study on human female physiology and know that should I have taken her, it would not have hurt her.
I should not have stopped to ask. I should have bled myself more so that my own want overwhelmed any hesitations she had.
The ends justify the means. I need a kit. How she feels about the matter is of no consequence.
I fly faster, hoping that miles between us will lessen her siren’s call, both on my cock and my mind.
But I can still taste her on my tongue. I can feel her shuddering around me as I brought her to climax over and over again. Surrendering to me. The sweet taste of her flesh, softer and more delicate than anything I have ever touched or tasted in all my time in this universe.
My duty was so clear before me. My way set in stone.
But now I am underwater. The path has been washed away and I do not know which way to go.
Yes, you do. The voice in my head sounds all too much like my mother’s for comfort. You have been born for greatness. You were born to be king. Power is the only currency that matters.
The fog seems to clear. Yes. Power. That is what matters. Meeting my mate may have changed things. I was wrong to think that I could buck millennia of Dragon tradition and made more than one. There is a reason for our traditions. I think now we are only capable of mating a single female, once we have found our true mate.
I’ve heard whispers of this, the old ancient hoarding instincts reviving in matters of mating. Giselle must be mine and mine alone, and I will have no other.
But she can bear me many kits. She is fertile and an ideal genetic candidate for motherhood. I can still be a powerful King with her at my side. It will only require a small bit of patience. But I am Draci. We are an ancient people and we have never lacked for patience.
I slow as I come to the bushes where my transport is hidden and land, jogging several paces from my momentum. The transport is cloaked, but I have been here often enough that I know where the entrance is and lift my hand to the biometric scanner. The door soon slides open and I step inside.
Everything is as I have left it. It’s an older transport. The pyrthithium on the walls is chipping and the console is several generations old. It was the best the resistance could do, considering the circumstances. I was lucky to get this and escape with the soldiers guarding me in my exile as it was.
I stride to the front of the shuttle and sit down, sinking my hands into the plasma console. “Link to Draci III, subline 3.2.8.”
I wait as the computer connects us. “Connection established,” the computer tells me. But there is still silence on the other end. I know it can take a while for Ximenaushanax to get on the line.
What we are doing is treasonous, carrying a death sentence, after all. It requires the greatest secrecy and delicacy.
But she is still expecting my call and it is only a few more minutes before I hear her hissing voice over the line. “Has it been accomplished?”
“I have the female,” I confirm.
“Have you implanted your seed in her yet?”
I stiffen, glad she cannot see me. “Soon.”
“What do you mean, soon?” she bites. “If you have acquired her, why have you not yet implanted?”
“I will not commit violence upon a female. It is not our way.”
She scoffs. “Your brother committed violence not only upon our beloved Sacraasu, the sacred Queen, but also her sister. They were murdered. He would do the same to me or you were he to find out what we plot.”