Page 9 of Sold To The Hitman (Men of Ruthless Corp)
I take his hand and ignore the sudden tingles in my fingers as we walk toward the house.
He sets me up in his gourmet kitchen with a glass of ice water, with leaves of fresh mint from his garden, and excuses himself to head to his office. I glance around when he’s gone. Stainless-steel appliances and dark granite countertops sparkle, surrounded by dark oak cabinets that have no blemishes. Everything is so clean.
Does anyone even live here?
I move from the kitchen into the living area. Same thing in here.
No mess.
No lived-in love.
It’s like a showroom in a furniture gallery. The leather couch is perfectly perfect with red throw pillows strategically placed in the right spots. Even the floors have no scuff marks.
I don’t touch anything.
I continue walking, wondering if the whole house is like this.
I cross into a hallway, checking out each room as I pass by the open doors and stop at what appears to be a library.
I nearly leap into the room, admiring all the neatly lined books on the built-in shelves. “I’m in heaven,” I murmur to myself.
Based on Titan’s immense collection, he’s a well-read man who enjoys mystery. He’s got two complete shelves dedicated to Sherlock Holmes.
“There you are.” Titan’s voice booms from behind me.
I jump, spinning around, caught completely off guard. “I wasn’t drooling.”
He cracks a grin, plunging his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Drooling?”
I jab a thumb over my shoulder. “I love books.”
“Ah, me too.” He steps past me. “This is my favorite.” He pulls a gardening book off the shelf and I grin.
“No, it’s not.”
“Ok, maybe it’s not.” He sets the book back and rests his shoulder against the bookcase. “So, I found out that Steele will be meeting with the man who’s selling the women tonight.”
“Ah, where’s that?”
“A private party.”
After getting my bags unpacked and everything settled to stay at Titan’s place, we both get ready for the party.
When I step into the living room, he lets out a low whistle. “Is this ok?” I ask, making certain my red dress isn’t too short.
“Wow,” he says, his eyes doing a lingering sweep of my body. “You look perfect.” He walks closer, bringing the heat with him. “Completely perfect.”
I tug at the hem of the dress, struggling to make it longer. “It’s not too short, is it?”
Titan’s eyes roam over me. “Blue, it’s perfect.”
“Ok.” My pulse races at the sight of him. “You look perfect, too.”
He looks like sin and money dressed in a black-on-black suit, and I want to gamble with it all.
I’m not this type of girl.
I’m safe.
I date safe guys. I go on safe dates. And I lead a very safe and rather boring life. So, this is all new to me.
When Frank gave me the assignment to go undercover as a sex-trafficked woman, I had anxiety attacks every night, not sure if I could play the part. But then I remembered why I got into journalism and knew there was a story here. And I needed to expose the truth. And that’s what I remind myself as we drive to the party.
I feel safe on Titan’s muscular arm as we enter the venue where tons of party people mill about, chatting and eating hors d’oeuvres.
I notice a few older gentlemen near the bar and do a double take once I realize where I know them from.
“Is that the mayor and chief of police?” I whisper to Titan.
“Yeah, everyone here is either government, police, or mob.”
“All at the same place?” I don’t pretend to be naive about crooked politicians and police officers, but the mayor and chief of police? That’s way too high up.
We make our way to an opposite bar on the other side of the room. Titan orders me a glass of champagne and himself a bourbon neat.
He swallows it in one gulp and asks the bartender for another as I sip on my champagne. Titan’s second drink is drained from the tumbler just as rapidly as the first.
“Let’s dance,” he says to me.
I nod, setting my glass on the bar.
He leads me onto the dance floor and holds me close to his body. I lean in, casually sniffing him so he doesn’t notice.
“Did you just sniff me?”
Oh, oops.
“Maybe a little.” I peek up at him.
He stares at me, not uttering a single word. And then he leans in and presses his lips over mine, sending shock currents across my mouth. To hell with it. I kiss him back, opening my mouth to let his tongue swirl around mine.
The kiss deepens, and Titan’s hands grip me tighter.
Should I care that we’re engaged in a passionate kiss here on the dance floor? I don’t.
I don’t care one bit.
Because being here in Titan’s arms is the best place I’ve ever been. My heart races as his hand lowers down my back.