Page 91 of The Italian
“Yeah, I guess.” I smile as I glance up at the door in time to see Enrico walk through to the outside bar, with two men ahead of him.
“Shit,” I whisper.
Natalie looks over in the direction of where I’m looking. “What?”
“That’s him.”
“What? Which one.”
“The tall one at the back.”
Her eyes widen as she eyes the perfect specimen. “That’s… him?”
He towers over everyone. He’s wearing black jeans that fit in all the right places, and a slim cut black T-shirt. His shoulders are broad, his jaw is… fuck.
Nat stares at him, wide-eyed. “That’s him? That god there is the guy who you met in Rome?”
I nod.
Her mouth falls open. “The rich one?’
“Holy fuck, no wonder you were heartbroken. I’m a bit in love with him myself. He’s gorgeous, Liv.”
I can’t take my eyes off of him, and unexpected excitement rushes through me.
He’s here.
“Talk about a trifecta,” Natalie whispers. His two friends are gorgeous too. “Now that is one Italian sandwich. Who’s he with?” she whispers.
“I don’t know. Neither are his brothers. I met one in Rome.”
“You met his brother?” She frowns.
“Briefly. He was out with his brother on the night that we met.” One of the men has honey-colored hair and is wearing a white collared shirt with blue jeans. The other is dark like Enrico, wearing a sports coat over jeans. All three of them are super handsome. Every woman around them does a double take.
But it’s Enrico that I can’t take my eyes off. My stomach rolls with nerves as I look down at myself. I’m wearing a tight black strapless dress and sky-high stilettos. Do I look okay?
“Go over there. Go over there right now,” Natalie whispers.
“He’s an asshole, remember.”
“Who cares when he looks like that?” I laugh. “Tell me he fucks as good as he looks,” she whispers with her eyes glued to him.
“You have no idea,” I reply as we continue to watch from our spying spot across the pool.
“Right, here’s the plan,” she says. “Walk past him, let him know you’re here.”
“You think?” I frown.
“Yes. Definitely.” She shoves me in his direction, and I start to walk around the pool to the bathrooms. A gorgeous redhead stops to talk to him. She says something and he laughs out loud, as if he knows her. They begin to talk. I immediately turn back to Nat.
“He can walk past me. I’m not chasing him. Maybe we should go to another club?” I turn my back to him.