Page 282 of The Italian
It’s 11:00 a.m.
Lorenzo and I are sitting at my desk, contemplating life. We’ve been talking for two hours.
A lot has happened in the last seven days. I’m engaged to be married. There’s impending fatherhood. Not to forget Sophia’s tragic death.
I’m overwhelmed and overwrought, and I had to talk to someone, so I told him everything. Lorenzo knows about the baby, and he knows my deepest fears. He knows I despise my father and grandfather for passing their dark life onto me.
He knows how badly I want Lombardi dead.
He will not get away with this. I will avenge Sophia’s death if it’s the last thing I do.
My phone rings, and the name Davidoff lights up the screen. It’s the police commissioner.
“Enrico, I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop it.”
“A warrant has just been issued for your arrest.” I close my eyes and exhale heavily.
“They’re on their way to your office right now. Get the hell out of there.”
I hold the phone to my ear for a moment, numb and dumbstruck. In all of my family’s history, a Ferrara has never been arrested.
“Thank you.” I hang up and stand. “The Carabinieri are on their way. We need to go.”
“What are we going to do?” Lorenzo frowns.
My eyes meet his, and I know that everything we just spent the last two hours debating is about to come into fruition.
This isn’t a choice anymore. It has to happen.
At least this will give me some time and allow me to come back to Italy unannounced. Then I can kill Lombardi and take him out of action for good.
For Sophia.
Being dead is the perfect alibi.
But first, we have to get out.
Adrenaline begins to surge through my system, and I know the odds are against us. I dial Olivia's number.
“Hello,” she answers.
“It's go time.”
“What is?”
“Get your belongings. You have five minutes until you leave. Throw a few things into a bag. “What? Where are we going?”
“Away. Your plan from last night is about to happen. Right now, Olivia. A warrant has been issued for my arrest.”
“Enrico,” she whispers. “Are you serious?”