Page 234 of The Italian
“Did you fall asleep too?” I ask.
“Yes. This movie is very boring.”
I giggle because I love his accent when he says certain things. This movie is very boring seems to be one of them.
Enrico’s phone dances across the coffee table, and the name Sergio lights up the screen. What does he want? That guy gives me the creeps.
“Yes,” Rico answers flatly, clearly annoyed at being called at this hour. He frowns and listens for a moment. “What?” he barks. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“What is it?” I mouth.
He begins to yell in Italian, screaming at the top of his voice. I’ve no idea what he’s saying but he’s absolutely losing it. He slams his hand on the coffee table in fury, and I jump. Jeez.
Calm down already.
He points to the bedroom. “Get dressed, Olivia.”
“What?” I frown. “Why?”
“Get dressed,” he repeats. He goes back to his conversation and continues to yell in Italian.
“Prepare the jet. We leave in an hour,” he instructs.
“Leave.” I frown. “Where are we going?”
He points to the bedroom. “Get dressed.” He’s furious. The anger radiating out of him is thermonuclear.
“Tell Lorenzo to pick up Olivia and take her to my mother’s. He can stay here with them. I want extra men on the Ferrara house while I’m gone.” “What?” I whisper. “I don’t want to go to your mother’s. That’s just awkward.”
His eyes widen at me. “Do not even think about disobeying me tonight, Olivia. You will stay at my mother’s. Get fucking dressed. Now!”
Oh my God. I storm up the hall and quickly throw some clothes on. He soon follows and marches into his wardrobe.
“What’s happened?” I ask.
He rips his clothes off a coat hanger, and it flings across the room with force. “I have to go to Sicily.”
“What, now? It’s the middle of the night?” I frown. “What’s happened?”
He kisses me quickly. “Nothing that you need to be worried about. I have something that I have to take care of. You will stay at my mother’s house until my return.”
“I’ll just stay here.”
“You will not stay here alone.”
“Okay. Calm down.”
It’s obvious he’s under a lot of stress about something, and I don’t want to add to it.
“Pack a bag.” “Well, how long will you be?”
“I don’t know.” He tears out an overnight bag and begins to throw clothes into it with force. He’s completely losing his shit here.
Fear starts to run through me. “Is something wrong?”
He opens the safe in his wardrobe and removes two guns. He puts one under his jacket.
“Just trouble at one of the brothels. Nothing for you to worry about.”