Page 153 of The Italian
He walks out and I follow him. I drop to sit on the top step of the grand staircase, and I watch him walk downstairs. He sets the alarm and closes the door behind him. I hear the lock click as he locks the deadlock with his key.
I can’t even look out of the window to watch him leave.
This feels so weird.
* * *
“Hi, mum,” I answer the phone.
“Hello love, how’s my favorite daughter today?”
I giggle. “I’m your only daughter.”
“Oh, that’s right,” she says and I can tell she’s smiling. “I’m good, battling a dreaded cold.”
“Oh, are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine. What’s new?”
“Well.” I walk out of the bedroom and down the big grand staircase. “Things are going well with Enrico.”
“Really? That’s great.”
“I’ve been staying with him at his house in Lake Como.”
“Oh, isn’t that where the rich and famous live?”
I shrug, embarrassed and completely unsure how to warn her about him. “Yeah.” I try to sound casual. “His parents come from money. Lots of family businesses and things. He does alright too for himself.” I wince, does alright for himself is the understatement of the year.
“Is he being nice?”
“Yes, mum.” I roll my eyes.
“I’ve heard these Italian men can be very possessive when they want to be.”
I smirk, she hit the nail on the head. “He’s lovely, mum. I really like him.” I smile broadly. “In fact, I think I might be in love him.”
“Oh Olivia, let’s just see how it goes,” she sighs as she senses heartbreak. “Don’t go giving your heart to anyone just yet. It’s only early days.”
“I know.” I scrunch my eyes shut, it’s too late. He has my entire heart in his suit pocket at his disposal.
“How’s work going?” I ask. Last time I spoke to her she was hating on her boss. “Is Gerrard still being a micro manager?”
“Oh god yes, he’s going around the twist.”
Mum has worked for the same man for thirty years as his personal assistant, he’s in his eighties now and becoming senile. “Maybe he’ll retire soon?” I smile.
“I wish, I’ve been hanging on for five years in hope.”
“You can just find another job you know?” I remind her.
“Oh, I couldn’t leave him, he needs me.”
I smile, that’s mum, loyal to a tee. It makes me sad that she let my father’s shortcomings taint her view on men. She never has really trusted anyone since him.
No one has ever come close to measuring up except for short dating bouts, she has been mostly alone over the years.
It’s a shame because she of all people deserves to be adored.