Page 540 of Stanton Box Set
She bites her lip as she thinks. “Can we go to McDonald’s?” she asks hopefully.
I smile sadly. “We can,” I answer as I inhale deeply. Oh, I so don’t want to go there. “I’m eating a salad,” I reply.
“Oh please.” She rolls her eyes. “Eating a salad in McDonald’s is like going to a hooker for a hug. What’s the damn point?”
I smirk and shake my head. “Just let me finish up here. I won’t be long.” I start to shut down my computer and she sits at the desk and starts to scroll through her phone.
“Is Ben here?” she asks.
My eyes rise to meet hers. “No. What’s going on with you two anyway?” I ask.
She shrugs sadly. “Nothing. We have hardly talked since Tash went missing. He blames himself. I blame myself. It’s a vicious circle.”
I frown. “Have you tried to talk to him?”
She shakes her head again. “The thing is, I am just so sad.” She blows out a breath. “I can’t even focus on anything, let alone think about a relationship.” She shakes her head again. “I don’t have the energy. Too hard basket.” She sighs.
I nod as I continue to shut down the computer. “I know what you mean. Nicholas has been staying with me and yet he is the last thing on my mind,” I reply.
“Shit,” she whispers. “We are a messed up bunch aren’t we.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Unfortunately, yes.”
My phone rings. It’s Ben. “Hi,” I answer.
“Clear Joshua’s office,” he snaps.
I frown. “Why?”
“Just do it!” he snaps and then hangs up.
I frown again as my eyes stay on the phone in my hand. That was weird. “Um, Didge, just wait here for a minute. I have to do something.”
“Yeah, sure thing,” she replies as she goes back to her phone.
I walk into the office to find Nicholas and Jesten talking to Brock as they scribble down notes. The three of them are bouncing ideas off each other about Coby Allender a lot lately.
Ok, this is uncomfortable. “Guys, Ben just rang and asked me to clear the office,” I announce.
They all look at each other. “Why?” Jesten asks.
I shake my head. “I don’t know to be honest. Ben just rang.” I am cut off by the door banging open and Ross comes flying through the air onto the floor. What the hell?
Ben storms in and picks up Ross and punches him hard in the face.
“Ben!” I yell. “What are you doing?”
He drags Ross up by the shirt and sits him in the chair and punches him again as hard as he can in the stomach. Ross gasps for breath and doubles over in pain.
My hands go to my head. “Oh my god. What the hell do you think you’re doing, Ben?” I whisper angrily.
“Get out, Murph and Nicholas,” Ben yells.
Nicholas immediately stands and the other two, Jesten and Brock, who obviously know what’s going on, fold their arms ready for the show.
“Start talking fucker or I will kill you,” Ben sneers.
Ross starts shaking his head nervously. “It was just meant to scare him. It was never a hit.” He shakes his head. “I swear to you. It went too far—it was never meant to go that far,” he whimpers.