Page 486 of Stanton Box Set
My eyes flick around to the few people outside and my head hangs in shame. This is embarrassing, not to mention degrading. It looks as though I have been having an affair with my bodyguard. Poor Josh, no wonder he’s furious.
“What are you going on about?” Max screams.
Joshua has red steam shooting from both ears and pushes Max again.
“Josh, stop it!” I scream
The security from the party comes down the steps towards us. “Is there a problem here?” they ask Ben.
“No,” Ben snaps. “Get in the car, Stan,” he yells.
“Shut up!” Joshua yells as he turns his attention to Max. “Is this what you have been planning all along?” He pushes Max again
I frown in horror. What! He thinks this is true! Oh my god, this is getting out of control. “Joshua, it’s not true,” I whisper in a hushed voice to avoid attention, although it’s way too late for that. We have a small audience watching us “Get in the fucking car, Natasha!” he screams.
“Don’t speak to her like that!” yells Max and the bodyguards all exchange worried looks.
My face drops. Oh god, just shut up, Max. Joshua turns and with renewed vigour pushes Max again.
“I’ll speak to her any way I want.” He grabs me by the upper arm and pulls me toward the car.
“Oww,” I yelp. “Joshua stop it. You’re acting crazy.”
Ben steps in. “Stan, stop it.”
Joshua pushes him too while having my arm in a pincer grip.
“I’ll kill him. Get him away from me before I fucking kill him.” Joshua yells about Max.
He opens the door furiously and pushes me into the car and slams it hard behind me.
“Take Natasha home,” he yells to the driver. “To LA.” He turns and then starts to storm after Max who has disappeared around the side of the building.
My face drops. What the hell? I jump out of the car. “Joshua, get in the car now.”
People are staring but this is getting seriously out of control. “Ben, do something,” I scream. Ben runs his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Stan, get in the car!” he yells.
“That’s it!” I scream. I start to storm toward the road and hold my arm up for a cab. I’m not putting up with this shit. He hasn’t even given me a chance to look at the photos properly and make sense of them. Two of the guards run after me.
Joshua turns. “Natasha. Get in the fucking car,” he yells.
“No,” I scream. “I’m not putting up with this.” My angry eyes flick around to the guards who are all following me out to the road, unsure what to do.
“Don’t make me come and get you!” Joshua furiously yells across the carpark. The people who are standing around all gasp. Oh god, this is embarrassing but I’m too mad to care.
“Come and get me, asshole. I’m not putting up with this shit,” I yell as I continue to storm out toward the road.
“You fucking guards are hopeless. Control her!” he yells. He turns and starts to sprint after me and I run. “Get the car,” I snap at Ben and he nods, realising I have just run to get Joshua’s mind off following Max and onto chasing me.
I continue to hotfoot it and Joshua catches up to me. “Where do you think you’re going?” He staggers as if dizzy and I frown.
“Away from you, asshole,” I snap. He must be drunker than I thought.
“Get in the car. I’m taking you home,” he snaps
“To LA?” I scream, hurt that our lovely night has been ruined once again by the twisting paparazzi and their lying cameras.