Page 481 of Stanton Box Set
His eyes hold mine for a moment and he nods, turns and walks out of the room.
I scrub my hand over my face in frustration. What next?
It’s late afternoon on Thursday and Joshua and I are on our way to Willowvale with three security cars trailing behind us. They have linked Coby Allender with the break and enter at my house in Australia and apparently when they went to arrest the guy they couldn’t find him but what they did find was much worse. Photographs of me were strewn all over his apartment, along with photos of the other victims that have since been murdered. I can’t believe this shit. I’ve hardly slept since I found out. I keep having those stupid nightmares and Joshua is beside himself with worry. The guy hasn’t left Australia through a commercial flight and he doesn’t have money for a private one so we shouldn’t be worried, but until they have him in custody we are all a little jumpy. I haven’t told Joshua yet but my head is starting to thump and I am trying desperately to hold off a migraine. I was hoping I had turned the corner with that shit… obviously not.
“We just have to pull into the estate agents for a moment,” Joshua remarks casually as he looks for a parking space.
“Did you buy that house?” I ask.
His eyes flick to me as he tries to remember if he has mentioned it before. “Yes, I thought it would be good for your mother or Bridget,” he replies.
I fake a smile and hold his eyes with mine as I raise a brow in question.
He stares at me for a moment. “I am buying the damn house to stop Amelie buying it,” he snaps in frustration.
“Oh,” I mutter, acting surprised.
He shakes his head. “Let’s just do it and we will talk about it later.” He sighs, defeated.
I nod and act uncaring. The truth is I’m glad he’s buying the house. I’m not living next door to the silly bitch. No way in hell.
He picks up my hand and kisses the back of it. “I won’t be long. Don’t get out of the car,” he murmurs.
I roll my eyes and nod.
“Do you want a coffee?” he asks.
“Yes please,” I reply as he gets out of the car.
Joshua walks to the group of guards who are now congregated on the sidewalk and hands over some money. One of them nods and disappears into the café.
I blow out a breath and throw my head back onto the seat. Just how long are we going to have to live like this? I can’t stand all of this security. I know exactly why Joshua hates it so much. He’s had to deal with this a lot longer than me. I shouldn’t whine, at least I have security. My blood runs cold as my mind goes to the young women who have been murdered and I get a visual in my head of them being tied up, tortured and raped…alone. That could have been me. What they would have given to have security with them, protecting them. God I hope they catch the bastards. I wrap my cardigan around me protectively and hold my temples. This fucking headache had better go away. We have a wedding to go to on Saturday. Sean's sister is getting married and the girls are being Adrian’s and Cam’s dates. I’m looking forward to it. Joshua and I are staying on Sean’s luxury boat because Maria doesn’t want the girls to have to catch the small boat out to the big boat late at night after the wedding. It’s just so Hollywood staying on a boat. Joshua and I are going to be alone at last and then I can give him my wedding present. I smile to myself. I can’t wait to see his face when I give it to him.
The door opens and Joshua falls into the seat beside me. “What are you smiling at?” he asks as he hands over my coffee.
“I’m excited about staying on the boat.” I smirk as I take a sip of my coffee.
He puts his hand on my leg. “Me too and we own another house now,” he says casually as he starts the car.
I shake my head at this situation I find myself in. This is stupid rich at its best. Oh and we own another house now.
We drive to Willowvale in silence and, admittedly, as soon as we hit that heavenly driveway lined with the beautiful trees I can feel my worries slowly leaving me behind. This place is a sanctuary and although I was first scared that I would only ever relate it to bitchvet… along with my reservations, her memories are starting to fade. She’s not a threat to me anymore… was she ever? I’m such an idiot to think that she was. I close my eyes as the afternoon sun warms me through the windscreen. I need this couple of days alone with my man.
“You ok, presh?” Joshua asks me as he grabs my hand and kisses my fingertips.
I smile. “Yes, just got a bit of a headache, my Lamborghini. I feel better now that we are here,” I reply softly.
He smiles warmly. “I love you,” he whispers.
“I know you do.” I smirk as he pulls the car into the parking space. Joshua gets out and comes around to my side of the car and opens the door for me as I gather my handbag and things.
“Come on, up to bed for the afternoon.” He gestures to the house with his chin as the two cars of guards approach from up the driveway.
“Are you coming with me?” I ask a little too sweetly as I climb out of the car. I smile and bat my eyelashes to try and be cute.
“Yes, but we are sleeping. You have a headache and I have exhaustion,” he says dryly.