Page 466 of Stanton Box Set
“Cameron thinks she’s unstable.”
I frown again. “Why?”
He shakes his head. “She just does weird things.”
“Like what?” I ask.
He looks around as he thinks. “I don’t know. At first she would just turn up at his office all the time crying and shit and then when Ben stepped in and wouldn’t let her get access to Joshua she started sending him naked pictures of herself.”
I sit back in my chair uneasily. “Go on,” I reply in a monotone.
He sits forward and looks around to see if anyone can hear us. “You can’t tell anyone this shit.”
“Go on,” I snap.
“She started sending him movies of her masturbating and getting herself off.”
I screw up my face in horror.
“In some movies she was in his horse stables, naked on his horse saddles, with massive dildos and crazy sex toys.”
“She’s trying to tap into his kink,” I whisper to myself.
“Yep totally,” Adrian whispers.
“What the hell! That is unstable behaviour,” I whisper, mortified. My mind goes to him acting like a lunatic in the horse stables that day. I don’t blame him. He thinks if he gives her an inch she will take a mile. Why didn’t he just tell me this?
“He ended up getting a restraining order put on her,” he replies.
“Is she on any meds?” I ask.
shrugs. “Since we have got back from Australia there has been nothing. I think now that you’re here she realises it’s all over and he won’t tolerate her shit anymore.”
“God, we know some bizarre people don’t we?” I sigh.
“Yeah, I do feel a bit sorry for her.” He shrugs.
I frown. “How come?”
“Even though she was such a bitch to all of us, she really did love Joshua, and he has only ever loved you.”
My heart hurts for her. I know how it feels to go crazy over this man. There were times when I felt like I couldn’t breathe if I couldn’t have him.“God, Adrian, what a nightmare.” I sigh.
He shrugs. “She’s harmless.”
I nod. “Well that’s a good explanation of why he hates her.” I smile broadly. “Not what I expected but a very good reason.”
I pick up Adrian’s phone as I feel the alcohol start to pump through my blood.
“Let’s ring Nicholas.” I smirk.
“Let’s not.” Adrian smiles into his drink.
I scroll though his numbers until I get to the name and dial the number. Adrian doesn’t stop me so I’m thinking he secretly wants me to do this. It answers first ring.
“Hello, Adrian,” Nicholas answers hopefully and I put my hand on my heart and close my eyes in a happy gesture.