Page 460 of Stanton Box Set
I frown. “Don’t tell me you would let a stranger cuff you?” I ask, horrified.
“Totally,” she replies. “It’s all the better being a little scared and I haven’t had sex for six weeks.”
Adrian returns from the kitchen carrying a tray of tea and coffee. “Maybe it should be him that is scared then,” he mutters.
Abbie smiles her sneaky slut smile. “He should totally be petrified.” Her phone beeps again and she smiles as she reads it. “Oh and he’s being all dominant with the messaging,” she purrs.
“What did he say?” I frown.
“Hurry up and get that hot little ass down here. I have plans for it.” She smirks.
Unable to help it we all break into broad smiles.
“Yeah I’ll pay that. He’ll do.” Adrian smirks as he blows on his h
ot coffee, then stands and kisses her on the cheek. “Be safe, babe,” he murmurs.
Abbie inhales like a kid in a candy store and breezes out of the apartment and I smile broadly.
“What are you smiling at?” Bridget frowns.
“Do you know how worried I have been about her? She hasn’t slept with anyone for weeks and has been all agreeable. I can’t handle it. I wanted my annoying sex-crazed disobedient friend back, and today she finally arrived,” I reply.
Bridget smiles. “This is true.” Her eyes flick between Adrian and me. “Can you guys keep quiet about Ben and me please. It’s only early days and I don’t want to bring it out until we know what’s going on.”
I frown. “How did this happen? Last time I saw you two together you had a massive fight and then you left with Carson.”
She picks up her coffee from the tray. “Yeah, well then I felt like shit and I couldn’t stand the thought of him going home with that big-boobed bitch and, let’s face it, Carmichael is a huge nob,” she replies.
“Huge,” I mutter.
“Gigantic,” Adrian agrees.
“So I rang Ben and asked him to pick me up from the club we were at.” She shrugs.
Adrian is now lying on the lounge. “And then what happened?” he asks.
Bridget drinks her coffee and shrugs again. “We had a huge fight in the car and were screaming at each other and he told me I’m not allowed to sleep with anyone else because it’s all he could think about doing and couldn’t and he couldn’t handle watching me do it with someone else.”
Adrian and I smirk at each other.
“So I just jumped him in the car.” She smiles. “I thought to myself, fuck it. I want him and he wants me, so who cares. I thought to myself what would Abbie do in this situation so I just straddled him at the traffic lights and started kissing him until he couldn’t refuse.”
Adrian holds his coffee cup in the air to symbolise well done.
I smile and frown. “So you had sex in the car?” My horrified eyes meet Adrian’s. “At the traffic lights?” My eyes widen. “Bloody hell Bridget that’s dangerous.”
“No, he took me back to his apartment to show me what he is really capable of.”
I smile again as I listen. I like this story. “And?” I question.
Bridget points at Adrian. “Not a fucking word. You’re swapping to our side of the friendship fence.”
Adrian laughs and holds up his hands in self-defence. “Of course.”
Bridget simulates sliding down the lounge. “Seriously, he is off the charts.”
I smile broadly. “I knew he would be.”