Page 444 of Stanton Box Set
Joshua’s eyes meet mine and I know we are thinking the same thing. He brushes his tongue over his top front teeth in contempt.
God, I would hate to be Margaret at this moment.
Ben arrives at the same time as our second coffee.
“Hey,” he remarks as he walks in and sits on the lounge.
“What are you doing here? I want you with Natasha,” Joshua murmurs without his eyes leaving the statements.
“Yeah, well she’s having a cow over you being here without me,” Ben snaps. “It’s not worth the drama.”
Joshua frowns as he looks up. “What do you mean?”
Ben shakes his head. “She’s going all fucking crazy.” He runs a hand over his forehead in frustration and I smile. Somehow I think Ben was glad to escape Natasha this morning.
I smile broadly. “What’s my girl doing?” I ask.
“She’s my girl,” Joshua murmurs as he keeps reading.
“She started demanding to see the guard roster for Joshua and then she started stomping around the house like a mad woman and screaming at the girls to get their stuff because they were keeping me from guarding you.”
I smile as I imagine the scenario.
“She rang Max and asked him
to come back immediately.”
Joshua’s eyes flick up immediately. “She did what?” he snaps.
“You heard me. She rang Max and asked him to come back so I could guard you full time.”
Joshua shakes his head.
“Smart girl.” I nod.
“And then she started having a hissy fit at Cameron and demanding that he has his own guard too, which he refused, and then the two of them got into a screaming match. Abbie told Natasha to calm down and shut the fuck up.” Ben shakes his head at the dramatics and I laugh.
“Oh and I forgot the best part. She marched down to the guards’ office and demanded answers as to how someone got to the power box without being noticed and she put them all on warning of being fired.”
I bite my lip to stifle my smile. “Did I tell you that I love that girl?” I reply.
Joshua rolls his eyes. “Every day so shut up.” He then throws the bank statements onto the table and stands and puts his hands into his pockets. “We need to trace where that money is going.”
I nod. “Done.”
He frowns at me in question. “Well?”
“It’s going into the account of someone named James Brennan,” I answer.
Joshua closes his eyes and drops his head.
Ben and I exchange looks. I told Ben yesterday what was going on. “Do you know that person?” I ask.
Joshua’s furious eyes meet mine and he runs his tongue over his top front teeth for the second time today.
“James Brennan,” he repeats as he raises his eyebrows.
I frown. “Yes.”