Page 425 of Stanton Box Set
“I think my father didn’t love my mother.”
I frown as I continue to wash him. His thoughts are jumping all over the place.
“He was never home when I was a child, now I think about it and compare it to how I feel about you.” He pauses.
I wait for him to keep speaking.
“I wouldn’t leave you for one night. I couldn’t stand being away from you. As soon as we kids went to bed I would hear his car leave.”
His eyes drop down as his hands slide up and down my shins as he thinks. “He couldn’t have loved her,” he murmurs almost to himself.
I don’t know what to say so I stay silent and he brings my feet around onto his stomach and rubs them onto his semi-hard cock. God, he feels good, even with my feet.
“Tell me about your tattoo.” I smile into his temple.
He drops his head back to my shoulder and looks at me. “Which story do you want? The one I tell everybody or the truth?”
I smile. “Let’s start with the one you tell everyone.”
He smiles and turns and kisses my arm. “So I met this smoking hot girl this night, had the most unfucking-believable sex and we had such a bender that we ended up in a tattoo parlour at 6 am and I woke up with this—her name was obviously Natasha. I don’t
remember ever getting it.”
I smile faintly. How many women has he told that story to?
He kisses my breast.
“Tell me the other one,” I murmur.
He rolls over so he is lying with his chest rubbing on my pubic bone. “So I met this smoking hot girl who I had known forever… but not really at all.” Our eyes are locked. “And I couldn’t stay away from her no matter how hard I tried.”
A trace of a smile brushes my lips. “Go on,” I whisper.
“And then one night I kissed her and for the first time in my life I didn’t want to fuck.”
I frown. “You didn’t?”
He shakes his head and then takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks it seductively. “I wanted to lie next to her, for her to hold me, to want me. I wanted to protect her and then the feelings got out of control and grew so strong that the need to be inside her turned me inside out. So much so that I was totally consumed with need for this woman.” He stops and smiles to himself. “And when she let me make love to her for the first time…” He pauses and looks into space. “It was the first time I had ever made love too. Up until then I had only had sex. I didn’t even know what making love was. It was the best and worst day of my life. I realised I was desperately in love and then I knew I couldn’t have her.”
I lean up and gently swipe my tongue through his wet lips.
“And the tattoo?” I whisper into his kiss.
“I wanted a mark on the outside of my body to match the mark I had for her on the inside of my body.”
I smile softly at him. Dear god, I love this man.
“I had been to the tattoo parlour three times to discuss what he was going to do and then on her 21st birthday at 9 am I was waiting at the door when it opened. If I couldn’t have her, I was not going to let myself ever forget her and what she had taught me. It took six hours to do.”
My eyes gaze into his. How did I ever get so lucky as to have this man love me?
He kisses me with such intensity and emotion that he rolls us slowly so that I am on top of his large body. His hand grabs the back of my head hard as he holds me to him and kisses me aggressively, passionately. Instinctively my body starts to rub itself back and forth over his large erection that is lying thick up against his stomach. His tongue takes possession of my mouth as he holds me almost brutally to his kiss. He grabs my thighs, spreads me over him and his hands start to slide up and down my wet body.
His eyes meet mine. “Fuck me,” he whispers as he cracks his neck. It seems our little game of truth or dare is over.
I can hardly breathe from want of this man and he aggressively grabs my hipbones and drags my flesh over his. “I need to be inside you, my precious girl.”
My eyes close and my head throws back.