Page 409 of Stanton Box Set
He keeps walking and I drop my head. He can be such a cold prick when he wants to be.
I slowly stand. “I’m going upstairs,” I whisper quietly as I look at the ground.
She doesn’t reply and I can’t even lift my head to look at Bridget. What a nightmarish situation. I feel sick to my stomach. I know Margaret has brought this all on herself…but I can’t help but feel sorry for her.
I sit at my desk as fury pumps through me. Cameron walks in behind me, shuts the door and flops onto the leather chesterfield lounge.
He holds his hands over his face. “Over this day already. I haven’t even slept yet,” he moans.
“You knew we were meeting with her this morning. Couldn’t you get some sleep for fuck’s sake?” I snap.
He rubs his face. “Something came up that I couldn’t refuse.”
I glare at him. “About that, Natasha saw you with the two girls last night.”
“Oh god,” he sighs.
“Can you just try to tone it down around her. She’s not used to this, Cameron.”
“I know,” he sighs.
“She’s going to be my wife!”
“I fucking get it, shut up. Fuck!” he snaps.
“I don’t want her seeing that shit from her brother-in-law!”
He sighs, lies back and throws the back of his forearm over his face and my phone rings.
“Stanton,” I answer.
“Um, hello Mr Stanton.”
“This is Matthew from Elders Real Estate.”
I frown. “Yes.”
“I sold you the property Willowvale and you asked me to keep in touch.”
I breathe in. I don’t need this nonsense today.
“Yes, what is it?” I ask as I roll my eyes.
He pauses on the other end. “I may be speaking out of turn here but rumour has it you had a bit of trouble with the ex-property manager, the veterinarian.
I run my tongue over my front teeth in contempt. Who is this prick?
“What about it?” I snap.
“I just thought I should let you know that she is trying to buy the property next door to your farm.”
I sit forward in my seat. “What do you mean?” I ask.
“Apparently she has contacted all of the surrounding properties and offered huge money to buy their properties,” he replies.