Page 398 of Stanton Box Set
“See you in there,” Ben says as he sees someone he knows across the lawn.
“OK, Joshua replies.
Ben walks over and shakes the burly security guard’s hand and they both laugh out loud at something that is said.
Large white paper lanterns line the pathway and the sound of dance music echoes from around the back of the house.
Joshua looks down at me. “What?” He smirks.
“Nothing,” I reply as I try to act casual and swallow my fear.
“We can leave anytime you want,” he says as his eyes stay forward on the crowd.
I nod. “Ok.”
“Don’t tell anyone anything,” he whispers.
I frown.
“This place is the gossip capital of the world. Anything you say can and will be used against you.”
My horrified eyes meet his.
He smirks and bends to kiss me gently on the cheek. “Just so you know, this is the life I don’t want anymore.”
I bite my bottom lip and nod.
“It is you who wanted to come here, remember?” he murmurs.
I nod again.
His eyes hold mine as he senses my trepidation. “I would rather be at home with you in your pyjamas,” he whispers.
I smirk. “What is it with you and my granny PJs Stanton?” I reply.
Raising his eyebrows he shakes his head. “I have no idea actually.” His hand runs gently down to my behind and he smirks as he winks.
We walk through the doors and are passed glasses of champagne by a woman walking around with a circular silver tray. We follow the crowd through the house. Loud dance music thumps through the space and Joshua grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd to the backyard. As people move to the side to let us through I notice them all do a double take at Joshua and then me, then instantly say something to whoever they are standing with. I glance down at myself to check all my bits are tucked into this skimpy outfit. This is uncomfortable… god. We walk out another set of double doors to the huge backyard and the resort pool and my eyes fly around nervously. I see the girls across the pool and a wave of relief hits me and I go to walk off but Joshua keeps hold of my hand.
“Don’t go anywhere. I want to introduce you to some people.”
“Ah, ok.” I swallow my nerves again. You have got to be kidding. I don’t want to meet anyone. I want to binge drink until I forget why I am here.
Joshua leads me around the pool by the hand and, unlike inside the house where people were pretending to be polite, people are now just blatantly staring. Beautiful women in next to nothing and men who look like they stepped off a modelling shoot are interested in me—what’s wrong with this picture?
“Hi Stan,” the girls all remark as he keeps walking with my hand in a death grip.
He nods.
“Hello Stan.”
He nods and smiles in return, fuck. These women are all gorgeous. Why did I want to come here? Oh my god… and this is the pussy on demand that Cameron was talking about. I’m so screwed!
We walk towards a group of men and they all turn. “Stan, you made it out, old boy,” one man says in a throaty voice, and handshakes happen all around.
Like Joshua’s prized pig I am then introduced to about 100 people. The men are all very interested, maybe too interested, and the women are just downright catty and look me up and down and then exchange looks. I finally can’t take anymore and pull out of Joshua’s grip. He frowns in question.
“I am just going over here with the girls.” I smile.