Page 391 of Stanton Box Set
“Where do you want to get married?” I ask.
“Wherever you pick,” he replies nonchalantly.
“When?” I ask.
“A couple of weeks.”
I screw up my face. “A couple of weeks. I need to lose like five kilos before I get married.”
“Stop eating McDonald’s then,” he mutters under his breath.
I fake a smile. “Ha, ha, you’re so funny.” Fuck, Operation Slimdown is back on with a frigging vengeance. I sit still as I try to comprehend what to do first—this is overwhelming.
He stops eating. “What is it?’ he asks.
“I can’t do it in a couple of weeks,” I murmur in a panic.
He smiles sympathetically. “When would you like to get married presh?” he asks gently.
I think for a moment. “I would like to get married in fourteen weeks.”
He smiles. “In May?”
I nod. “Yes.”
He gets out his phone and scrolls through his calendar. “How’s May the 21st?” he asks.
I bite my bottom lip to stifle my smile. “Perfect.”
He smiles again. “And where would you like to get married presh?”
I think for a moment and narrow my eyes. “Kamala, on our ledge,” I reply hopefully.
He picks up my hand and kisses the inside of my palm. “Sounds like a date.”
Our eyes meet and I am overcome with emotion. My eyes start to fill with tears. After all we have been through this is finally happening.
He smiles and points to my plate with his knife. “Eat your fish,” he mutters.
I drop my head and smile as I pick up my knife and fork. May the 21st… May the 21st… May the 21st… May the 21st… this shit just got real.
“Where’s Bridget?” I ask Joshua as I come down for breakfast the next morning.
“Out by the pool,” he replies as he shakes his protein shaker.
I walk out and find her sitting on the edge of the pool drinking her coffee, her feet dangling in the water.
“Hey babe.” I smile.
“Hi,” she replies.
I sit next to her and put my arm around her. “You ok?“ I ask as I drop my feet into the water.
She nods. “Yeah.”
I know that’s not true. “Don’t lie to me. What’s up?” I ask.
She takes a sip of her coffee and looks straight ahead. “I just had the talk with Ben.”