Page 365 of Stanton Box Set
Abbie comes around the corner. “You guys coming to eat or what?” She smiles excitedly as she pulls me into an embrace. “I can’t believe you are getting married.” She grabs Joshua into a headlock and he forces out a smile. “You did good Stanton.” She giggles.
“We will be out in a minute babe.” I fake a smile, and she picks up the serviettes and disappears back out the door. Cameron’s haunted eyes meet Joshua’s and I die a little inside. Now is the time, I have to tell them now, but do I tell Joshua alone or with Cameron? And what do I know? I don’t know the truth that’s for sure.
“Let’s just have breakfast and not tell anyone until we know the facts,” I murmur. “It may be some crazy mix-up.”
Joshua nods and puts his arm around Cameron to comfort him. Cameron is distraught and tears fill his eyes and Joshua drops his head to Cameron’s shoulder. They stand still in an embrace and the hurt in the room is so thick that you could cut it with a knife. How could she do this to her two sons? You don’t fuck around with people’s paternity, bitch.
“Let’s just go and have breakfast and we will sort out this mess when we get back to LA,” I whisper. “Until we know the facts we can’t jump to conclusions.”
They both nod as they pull away from each other.
I head out to the table and everyone cheers loudly. Oh god, not now fuckers. I rub my forehead in frustration.
Adrian raises his glass of orange juice as Joshua takes his seat next to me. “To the happy couple.” He toasts, and everyone repeats “To the happy couple”. Joshua forces a smile and kisses me gently on the cheek. Perspiration starts to burn my armpits as my uncomfortable state becomes apparent. Cameron still hasn’t returned to the table. Oh god, this is a nightmare. My eyes flick around the table and I see Bridget looking sad up the other end of the table. I frown in question and she subtly shakes her head and forces a smile. Does she know? Has she overheard what we said? Something is definitely wrong with her—I can tell from her facial expression. Cameron eventually comes out and takes a seat on the other side of me and I grab his hand. Here I sit between two men who I love, both holding my hand for comfort, all three of us having no idea what the hell is going on.
“When are you getting married?” Abbie asks, oblivious to my inner turmoil.
I squirm uncomfortably. “Not sure,” I reply.
Joshua keeps looking down at his breakfast. “Maybe in twelve months or something,” I mutter.
Joshua looks up from his breakfast and frowns. “More like a month,” he snaps. “I will not be waiting twelve months to get married. I’ve done it now, it’s happening.”
Everybody snickers over their breakfast.
I smile nervously and pick up his hand and kiss the back of it. I am so uncomfortable.
“Ok baby, whenever you want,” I reply quietly, trying to diffuse his tension. The table breaks into chatter but my mind and stomach is in turmoil. What’s going on here? What has Margaret done and how is Joshua going to react when I tell him what I know? Damn this bitch… ruining my heavenly engagement… and Joshua’s freaking life.
I stare into space throughout breakfast, trying my hardest to get the words together in my head.
“I am so being the stylist to this wedding.” Adrian smiles excitedly.
“Oh get lost, I am,” Bridget chimes in. “You can plan Cameron’s wedding.”
“Well you’ll be waiting a while. I’m not getting married until I’m forty,” Cameron sighs, defeated.
“Oh get off it. When you meet her she will wear your balls for earrings, like Natasha wears Joshua’s.” Adrian smiles.
I giggle and he clicks his juice glass with mine.
Joshua doesn’t even respond and my heart drops as my eyes flick to him. I doubt he is even hearing this conversation—he’s miles away. Oh god, what’s he thinking about? This is horrific. I glance at Cameron and he too is sitting pensive and still. I start to eat for China while I notice Joshua hasn’t eaten a thing.
After twenty minutes in this torture chamber I need to get away, I can’t handle seeing them like this. I stand and take my plate to the kitchen. “Thanks Adrian. I’m going to head back and start packing.” I smile as I gesture to the door with my thumb.
He stands and wraps his arms around me. “I’m so happy for you both.” He smiles. “I have been on Team Natasha all along you know.” He gently kisses my cheek and I melt. I really couldn’t ask for Joshua to have nicer friends. Day by day I’m coming to love Adrian just as much as he does. Unable to help it I tear up. I want to run away. I don’t want to have this damn conversation. It’s only going to cause more hurt… hurt that isn’t deserved. Adrian pulls back from our hug and frowns slightly at my tear-filled eyes.
“I’ll walk you out.” He gestures to the door and I reluctantly follow.
“I’ll be there in a minute presh,” Joshua calls after me.
“What’s wrong chick?” Adrian asks as he pulls me into an embrace and kisses my forehead.
I shake my head, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. “I’m just really happy,” I push out.
He smiles broadly. “Me too.”
I pull out of his grip and head back to the safety of our room where I start to pace as I wait for Joshua. For fifteen minutes I pace with my stomach in knots until finally he appears.