Page 35 of Stanton Box Set
“Check this out.” She hands me the binoculars and I shake my head.
“No thanks.” I hold up my hands. “I’m good.”
“Ok, you’re missing out, these guys are hot.” I roll my eyes, whatever. She really is acting like a little kid.
“Smell that testosterone!” Abbie inhales deeply while holding her stomach and Cameron and Wilson burst out laughing.
“See, I told you girls you would love this shit.” I am totally distracted. I am not even watching what’s going on. His mother knows, bitch. I was right—she has been rubbing my face in it all these years. Bridget returns from the bar with more drinks, two for me. I look up and she gives me a sympathetic smile and a wink. She must have overheard the conversation between Cam and me. I nod as I take my drinks.
“Thanks babe,” I whisper. She bends and gives me a kiss on the top of my head and then wrecks it by running her hand through my hair and messing it up. I swat her away as I giggle. I am distracted from my disturbing thoughts of not handling things well by Will yelling.
“Here he comes.” I stand up instinctively. Oh shit, my hand flies up to my mouth. I go to walk out but Cameron grabs my jacket.
“Stay,” he yells over the crowd. I swallow and nod, what a total nightmare. Joshua is wearing a black dressing gown sort of thing and he is followed by a man who is talking to him.
“Who’s that?” I yell across to Will.
“That’s his trainer,” he yells back.
“How do you know?” I ask.
“I met him in LA.”
“Oh what, he travels with Josh?” Cam nods.
“Yeah he goes where Josh goes.” I frown. Cam shakes his head and smiles. “You know, life of the rich and famous, entourage and all that.” I nod, I really have no clue what’s going on do I? I am still trying to digest the whole entourage thing when he takes off his cape. Sweet mother of god. Every single muscle on his body is visible to my eyes, he’s so cut.
“Holy shit!” Abbie yells so close to my ear that she nearly bursts my ear drum. I pull away and frown as I clap my hand over my ear. “You could grate cheese on that stomach.” I nod, shocked at the fine specimen before me. He turns and I see a massive tattoo running from his hip bone up the length of his torso on his side.
“He’s inked,” Abbie whispers. She grabs the binoculars from Will and looks at the stage. I am still staring dumbstruck at him. Fuck, he’s hot. Seriously, how can anyone be so goddamn attractive? I look over at Abbie and she has handed the binoculars to Bridget who is now looking at the stage. She pulls the binoculars down, her face filled with horror.
“Fuck off,” Bridget whispers, her eyes bulging.
Cameron bursts out laughing. “I’ve been waiting for you to see that.”
“What?” I snap. She hands me the binoculars. I look at the stage and see him deep in conversation with his trainer. What are they going on about? He turns and all of the blood drains from my face. The ink isn’t a picture as I first thought. Joshua has the word Natasha in running writing down the whole length of his body.
Holy Fuck.
Chapter 7
My eyes are seeing it, but I don’t believe it. Why in the hell would he do that? Before I can apply my brain–to–mouth filter, I call Will over to me.
bsp; “When did he get that?”
He shrugs. “A couple of years ago.”
“How many?”
“How many what?”
“Um, I don’t know, three or four.”
“Is it me?” I frown.