Page 332 of Stanton Box Set
I exit my office in a rush and start to run toward the lifts as I dial Max’s number. He answers first ring.
“Where are you?” I snap.
“In the car park. What’s wrong?”
“Abbie and Bridget are locked in TC’s apartment.”
“That’s what I said. The idiots are locked in her apartment.”
“Oh my god. I have to ring Ben. Meet me out the front.”
I run out to the front doors and I find Max on the phone to Ben.
He shakes his head in frustration and hands the phone over to me.
“What’s going on?” Ben snaps down the phone.
“I don’t know. Bridget rang me and said that she and Abbie had broken into TC’s apartment looking for the disk.”
“How did they know where she lived?”
I shake my head in frustration. “I have no idea. Actually Abbie’s flatmate sees her sometimes so she must have asked him.”
“Then what happened?”
“She came home and they hid in the bedroom.”
“Fuck,” he snaps.
“I know and then she left again but she put the deadlock on and now they are locked in the apartment and they can’t get out.”
“Did they find the disk?”
I widen my eyes and hold my hand in the air in frustration. “I didn’t bloody ask.”
“You stay there. You and Joshua can’t be involved. We will handle this. Put Max back on.” I hand the phone back to Max.
“Ok.” He nods and takes the address from me. “Ok.” His eyes meet mine. “I will get her to ring him in a minute.” He hangs up.
My heart is beating crazily. Break and enter, if they get caught … oh my god … this is a criminal offence. What were they thinking?
“Joshua wants you to ring him in a minute,” Max says dryly, then he texts the address to Ben.
I smile. He wants me to ring him, thank god. Relief fills me.
“Go back inside. You will only have one guard so do not leave your office.”
“But I told them I was leaving for the day,” I stammer.
“Change your plans. I don’t have time to take you home first.”
I roll my eyes. “Can’t I come?”
“No, go back inside.”
I head back inside and to the cafeteria. I order a coffee and take a seat. My stomach is in knots and I dial Joshua’s number. He answers first ring.