Page 31 of Stanton Box Set
s own with this one. Adrian finally appears through the crowd and walks over to me. He takes my drink from me and sips my Cointreau. I scowl at him, and he gives me a devious smile over the rim of the glass.
“Natasha’s here.”
My eyes go wide. “What,” I snap. “Where?”
“Downstairs dancing.” Before I can stop myself, I am striding towards the stairs. Adrian is running beside me like the personal assistant that he is.
“Did she see you?”
“No,” he shakes his head. My heart has started racing at just the mention of the fucking bitch’s name. I stop on the stairs and Adrian runs into the back of me.
“Ow, what are you doing?” he snaps.
I turn to him, “Did you know she would be here?”
“No, I hoped,” he smiles. “Bridget told me they often come here.”
“At the wedding.”
I tilt my head. “Why?”
“Because you haven’t slept or eaten since we saw her in the restaurant on Tuesday. And you’re a total nightmare to be around.”
“Fuck off. Excuse me if I don’t want to play happy families with her new boyfriend.”
“He’s not her boyfriend, I already told you this. Who do you think you’re speaking to? I know you better than anyone,” he snaps back.
“Fuck off,” I mutter as I continue down the stairs, two at a time. We arrive at the lounge next to the dance floor and I go straight to the bar. I’m not up for this shit tonight. I need another drink to temper my sexual attraction for her before it becomes an addiction. Whatever you call it, it’s a fucking nightmare. Adrian comes up beside me. I can’t even look at her—my nerves are shot.
“Do you see her?” I ask softly, as I keep my eyes face forward.
“Yes,” he smiles. As I hand him his drink he points with his chin. “She’s over there with Bridget and another blonde girl.” He cranes his neck and does a low whistle, “Fuck, she looks hot, Josh.” With that comment I can’t help myself, I have to look. I turn to see her laugh out loud with a carefree flick of her hair and my insides melt. I love the way she laughs. I miss the way she laughs. Those dimples do me in, every time. She’s perfect, my eyes swipe down her from head to toes. Looks hot is the understatement of the year—she looks fucking edible. My cock immediately twitches to attention. Why in the hell does she affect me like this? She’s wearing a tight dress that shows every curve on that beautiful body, and those tits. I haven’t seen her dressed like this before—she’s asking for it. Actually she may be begging for it by the end of the night, either that or begging me to stop. I smile as that thought crosses my mind. My eyes drop as her long muscular legs demand my attention in those sky – high boots. Boots that belong around my ears while I bury myself deep inside that beautiful tight… This isn’t good. I rub my face and turn back to the bar. Seriously fucked–up shit going on here. This is unbearable. I need to get the hell out of here before I do something that I will regret. Something that will entail her being bent over the bar while I take her from behind. Hard. Where did that come from? I rub my forehead as a cold sweat breaks my brow. I can feel my willpower slipping inch by inch, moment by moment. The brain in my cock overtakes the gears of my brain, too much blood in one part, not enough in the other. Shit.
“Go and talk to her,” Adrian urges.
“Are you kidding? No.” I glance back as she turns her back to me and starts to dance. God that ass, fuck me. What I could do to it. My cock gets harder. This happened at the wedding, and the last time I saw the bitch. Just the sight of her and I could orgasm. My heart starts racing again at the thought of what sex would be like with her. Fuck, it’s almost primal. My eyes flick back again, the urge of ownership over her that fills me is disturbing. I need to go home before I drag her kicking and screaming out of here.
I’m well on my way to drunken heaven by my fifth drink and fourth shot. I think I will be unconscious before I’m able to come through with the goods though. I’m finding it hard to even dance with men, knowing what the night might hold. How do people do this regularly? At this point in my life, celibacy in a monastery is alluring. And the men. Seriously, is this the best we’ve got? Not a single person here interests me. Todd, a guy we know, is paying me extra attention. I think he is scenting action, either that or my suspicions tell me Abbie has told him I like him. Liar. Why is he so short? Actually he isn’t that short—it’s just that I’m attracted to Amazonian men, six foot two being my cut off, or maybe six foot four like Joshua. Stop it, you idiot. Todd has started following me around and dancing a little too close. He keeps talking to me and because it’s so loud he has to talk into my ear. He keeps lingering a little too long after he speaks, waiting for a reaction. How in the hell do I get out of this? I’m starting to feel uncomfortable. I head to the bathroom to try and gain some distance and give myself time to think. As I sit on the toilet with the lid closed I give myself a pep talk. Come on, Natasha, snap out of it. It’s now or never. I do suppose Todd is as good as anybody, at least there is absolutely no chance of falling in love with the dick. And, anyway, even if Josh did want me, do I really want to live my life having slept with one person? That’s just stupid, really stupid. I finish up and wash my hands and it’s with the last thought in my mind that I look at myself in the mirror. He doesn’t want you, Natasha, move the hell on.
Thirty minutes later with a serious pep talk from Abbs under my belt I find myself dancing with Todd. We have moved across the whole dance floor towards the back wall, as he keeps moving forward and I keep moving back. I can’t help it. I’m really trying, but I’m just not into him at all. Just when I think it can’t get any worse he slides his hand down the length of my arm and grabs my hand. I look down at our entwined fingers and I know I have to make a decision. Sink or swim Natasha, what’s it going to be? He moves in for a kiss but I duck my head and he rests his lips on my forehead.
“Natasha, look at me,” he puts his finger under my chin to bring my face up to his.
“Fuck off!” I jump back in shock. My eyes widen as they fly up to Joshua who is breathing heavily and glaring at Todd. “I said Fuck off!” he repeats. Oh shit, impeccable timing, where did he come from?
“Joshua, stop it,” I stammer. Immediately my heart races at the sight of him. Todd goes to grab my hand, but I pull it away.
“Don’t, Todd,” I shake my head. Abbie is aware of the impending situation and quickly comes to my rescue, grabbing Todd’s hand and leading him away.
And there he stands, all 6 foot 4 inches of male perfection. Testosterone is obviously coursing through his veins as he sucks in precious air to try and calm himself. And here I stand, absolutely off the charts thrilled that my knight in shining armour has come for me. The smile on my face is nearly beaming off my face. He grabs me around the waist and jerks me to him.
“You find this funny?” he snaps.
“Yes,” I smirk. That sounds ridiculous. I should be mad, I should be fuming. What I am is thoroughly thrilled. Just the sight of him, no wonder I’m not attracted to anyone else. He’s beyond beautiful, even when he is acting like a psychopathic maniac. He pulls me close and wraps his large arms around me, then he puts his lips to my temple.
“Stop making me act crazy,” he whispers as his hands clasp the back of my waist.