Page 284 of Stanton Box Set
“I will do what I want,” Cameron smirks. “To who I want. And she will fucking love it just quietly.”
I smile and Joshua rolls his eyes as he drops my hand like a hot potato. Huh? I look up to see why he has just dropped my hand and I see his mother standing at the end of the hall looking down at us as we approach. He obviously still hasn’t bloody told her about us.
I walk to the lounge area and take a seat opposite Joshua and Bridget comes up in a rush.
“Oh, guys, they just put a sign up in reception. There has been a car accident and they need someone with blood type AB– at the children’s ward immediately. Does anyone know of anyone with that blood type? Apparently it’s rare.”
My eyes snap up to Joshua and I stare at him, shit. My eyes nervously glance over to Cameron. He narrows his eyes in return as he folds his arms and leans back onto the wall. Holy fuck, that’s Joshua’s blood type … should I say something? No, let Cameron say something. For ten minutes I sit silently next to Joshua, praying for him to remember his blood type. How can someone so smart not even remember his blood type? What am I going to do? If I don’t tell him a child could die and I already know that less than two per cent of the population have this type of blood—the chances of finding some immediately are slim to none. Why isn’t Cameron saying something? Maybe he doesn’t know? No, he knows alright. Shit.
I sit and listen to Bridget and Joshua talking about some hotel in France that they have both gone to but my mind is in overdrive.
Time is ticking and I am starting to sweat. I start to fidget in my chair and try to work out what to do. My eyes flick to Cameron who is sitting as calm as anything, watching me. What’s he watching?
I have no choice. I have to say something. “Joshua, I think that is your blood type, baby,” I whisper to him.
He frowns at me. “What?” he asks.
I swallow the nervous lump in my throat. “The child that needs blood has the same rare blood as you.”
Joshua frowns and looks at Cameron who is staring at me blank-faced … oh crap.
“She’s right, it is your blood type. We had better go to the children’s ward.”
Joshua shrugs and stands immediately and Cameron stands. “I’ll come with you.” His eyes flick to me. “Natasha, come with us.”
Oh shit, no way am I going. “No, I will wait for you here.”
Cameron narrows his eyes at me. “I insist.” He fakes a smile at me and holds out his hand. I swallow again and look at his outstretched hand. Now I’ve done it. I stand and follow the two boys down the corridor in silence. We get to the children’s ward.
“Hello, I’m a doctor and my brother here has blood type AB– I understand you need a donation.”
The nurse puts her hand on her chest in relief. “Oh thank god, yes please come this way.” She ushers Joshua away down the hall.
Cameron turns to me. “What do you know, Natasha, and I want the fucking truth.”
Chapter 23
Cameron’s fierce eyes meet mine. “Well?”
I swallow uncomfortably, holy mother of god. “What do you mean Cameron?” I ask as I step back from him defensively.
“I mean … how do you know Joshua’s blood type?” he snaps.
I frown at him. “I looked on his chart in the hospital. How did you think I knew? What’s this about?”
He narrows his eyes at me and steps back as he seems to regain his composure. “Nothing … I’m just having a weird day.” He runs his hands through his hair in frustration as he shakes his head.
“Cameron, if something is wrong involving Joshua I would like to know about it,” I question.
He studies my face as he assesses me. “Like I said, nothing is wrong. I’m going back to the room to see Gran. I will see you up there.” With that he leaves the room in a rush.
Hmm, ok, I rub my eyes in frustration. Shit, that was close. I’m starting to perspire from nerves. Cameron is onto something and I need to find out just exactly what that is and what the hell I am going to do about it.
I sit in the hospital room as the nurses prepare to take the blood, my mind in a rush. Max just called me to let me know that Coby Allender has been googling Natasha from his computer in jail … what does that mean? Who is this nut job and what does he want? His trial is on Wednesday and the word is that the police don’t have enough evidence to prove he committed the murders but they know he did it. More than likely he will get an innocent verdict in court. Is Natasha in danger if he gets out? Max seems to think that she is. My stomach churns. This is another total mess that I don’t have time for.
Natasha walks into the consultation room and smiles at me warmly. That’s all it takes to make me weak … and calm. Her beautiful smile complete with those dimples. “Are you ok?” she whispers as she gently kisses my cheek and runs her hand over my hair.