Page 231 of Stanton Box Set
“Me,” I snap.
“Yes, you.”
I narrow my eyes at her again.
“Shouldn’t you be talking dirty to me about now?” she whispers as she looks at my lips and smiles affectionately at me.
Why does she have to have those perfect dimples when she smiles at me? How much can a man take? I need to find some resistance … and quickly. I can feel it slipping by the minute.
“Something about me being creamy and wet,” she whispers. My eyes widen as she runs her hands down her perfect body and back up to settle on her hips. The way her neck is arched in the light I could just sink my teeth straight into it. I feel myself harden at the thought.
Bridget walks over to us. “Hey.” I drop my eyes to somehow hide my devious thoughts.
I talk into my drink as I take a sip. “Didge, control Natasha or I am taking her home, and she’s going to cop it.” My eyes drop back to Natasha’s perfect legs … they need to be around my ears, while I give her what she needs … hard.
Bridget smiles broadly at me. “Take her home Joshua, in fact I dare you to take her home.”
I look at her sarcastically and Adrian walks over to us.
Natasha grabs him in an embrace. “Adrian, come and swim in the pool with me.”
He pulls back immediately. “We are not going to the pool bar. No way in hell.” The pool bar located outside is massive and is a full marble bar all around a huge swimming pool. People are in and out of it all night … very drunk people. The toilets are unisex in that part of the club, if you know what I mean.
“Natasha, you are not going swimming in that dress,” I snap. “It will be totally see through.”
She smirks at Bridget. “He’s very whiny tonight, isn’t he? He really should just shut up and look pretty over there.” She points her wine glass at me as she stumbles to the side again, her wine sloshing over her glass.
Bridget and Adrian laugh into their drinks as they both grab her arm to steady her.
“How about I put that smart mouth of yours to good use.” My eyes hold hers.
She giggles into her drink. “Maybe you should.”
“What have you girls been doing today anyway?” Adrian asks.
Natasha grabs his arm. “Oh my god Adrian, you won’t believe it. I hardly believe it myself.”
Bridget waves at Natasha and shakes her head to signify silence—she puts her finger to her lips in a sshh signal. Natasha ignores her.
“We had massages today … with happy endings.” She nods to accentuate her point.
I spit my drink out. “What?” I snap angrily
Bridget and Adrian burst into laughter.
Fury rips through me. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I yell.
She giggles into her glass. “Abbie organised it. It was awesome by the way. His name was Antonio.”
Fucking Abbie. “You had sex with a masseur?” I yell. I’m furious—some dirty masseur had his hands all over her. My skin bristles with jealousy.
She screws up her face and pushes me in the chest. “No, just a massage silly … but I might on my next visit. Who knows what could happen? I’m mixing it up.” She wobbles her head at me and does a bicep curl. “It’s actually pretty fun being bad you know.” She giggles into her glass as she staggers sideways.
My eyes flick to Adrian and Bridget who are killing themselves laughing.
“I think Abbie actually had sex with her masseur,” Bridget leans in and whispers in a very loud voice and the girls laugh again.
“Why am I not surprised?” Adrian says dryly.