Page 211 of Stanton Box Set
“I want you.” She points at the guy who just brought Abbie a drink. “And you.” She points to the tall guy with dark hair. “To kiss.”
Their eyes widen in shock.
We all hide our giggles and Abbie’s eyes light up with mischief. “Tongue kiss,” she whispers as she widens her eyes.
“No way.” They start to shake their heads nervously as their friends start to nod.
“It’s just, we are team players … if you know what I mean.” She licks her lips for effect. Bridget and I are nearly wetting ourselves as we try to act serious.
“And we want to know that the boys we party with like to … team play too.”
Their eyes widen as they realise that she is perhaps talking about a gang bang. They exchange looks and the two men that don’t have to kiss start to tell their friends.
“Just do it. We want to party. Fucking do it.”
The whole group of seven of us are in fits of laughter as they try to decide if they are going to do it.
“Seriously, fucking kiss now. Actually give him a head job if that’s what it takes,” blond guy snaps to his two friends. The poor two men under pressure don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“What do we do if they actually go through with this challenge?” Bridget whispers.
Abbie takes a scull of her drink. “Run.”
I spit my drink out as I laugh out loud. Where do we come up with this shit?
The two un-kissing men start to chant to their friends to kiss and we are all in fits of laughter when I feel an arm come around me from behind. I turn as I feel lips on my temple.
“Hey Doc,” Jesten smiles.
I turn and smile broadly at him. “Hi Jes.”
“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss,” the group chant from behind us.
Jesten frowns. “What’s going on?”
The curly-haired guy sits forward. “These girls are going to stack us on … if we kiss.”
Jesten burst out laughing and shakes his head at us.
“You girls are bitches.” Jesten laughs as he shakes his head.
“I knew it,” the guys yell collectively as they point at us.
Bridget, Abbie and I clink glasses as we laugh. “You guys were totally going to kiss,” Abbie laughs as she points at them.
“Were not,” they start to scream. “Were not.”
Jesten tucks my hair behind my ear. “I’m going to another bar. Do you want me to swing back and pick you up on the way home?”
I shake my head and frown. “No, what for?”
He smiles mischievously. “Hot sex Doc, what else?”
Abbie chokes on her drink. “Yes, she’s coming. You’re going!” She points at me.
I shake my head, smiling. “No Jes, for the ten-thousandth time, I’m saying no.”
“You know all this resistance is just making you hotter.” He bends and kisses me quickly on the lips. “See you later.”