Page 202 of Stanton Box Set
He smirks at me. “Why in the hell does a chick as hot as you need a vibrator?” He smiles into my forehead.
I feel my face go bright red and I pull out of his grip—that just feels too familiar. I scratch my head in horror. “No comment.”
He giggles. “Don’t worry when you’re my girl you won’t need one. Don’t bother replacing it.”
“Stop it,” I snap. “I am not your girl and I am not going to be your girl. Stop deluding yourself.”
I walk out of the bathroom in a huff and down to the office to have the most embarrassing conversation of my life.
I sit in my office as the intercom speaks. “Amelie is here to see you.” The receptionist’s bored voice echoes through the room. My eyes close in regret. I knew this was coming. I have been back in LA for two weeks and I haven’t heard from her. I was hoping that I wouldn’t. I put the heel of my palms into my eye sockets. “Send her in,” I reply flatly.
I swivel on my chair with my eyes down. I’m furious with her. I know she’s hurt but the pain she has brought me is unforgivable. I never meant for any of this shit to happen.
The sound of her heels click on the marble through the huge room and I raise my eyes slowly to meet hers.
“Hello Joshua,” she whispers nervously.
My eyes stare through her and I run my tongue over my front top teeth. “Hello, Amelie.”
She stands still and waits for me to speak. I don’t.
“Are you going to speak to me?” she asks as her eyes fill with tears.
“I have nothing to say to you,” I reply coldly as I twist on my chair.
“Joshua please.” She bursts into tears. “I love you, I had to tell Natasha. I couldn’t be dishonest.” She sobs.
I frown in disgust. “I would have told her—it wasn’t your place to hurt her like that.” My anger rises.
She frowns. “You weren’t going to tell her,” she snaps. “Why didn’t you tell her you love me?”
I screw up my face. “Because I don’t. You’re delusional, it was five minutes of shit sex Amelie. I have never regretted something so much in my life!” I shout.
Her face falls. “You regret it?” she questions.
“Of course!” I yell. “I make myself fucking sick that I have hurt her like this. She is a good person and she didn’t deserve any of this. I will never, ever forgive you for the way you treated her.”
I watch as her expression changes from one of hurt to anger. “Tell me … did she tell you that she told me to back off from your money in the toilets when I told her we were in love?”
“Stop lying,” I snap as my skin starts to crawl.
“Think about it, Joshua, she leaves you at the drop of a hat. She has no regards for your feelings. It doesn’t sound like she loves you at all or if she ever did.”
“Shut up!” I scream as I jump from my chair.
“She actually gets off on your pain,” she sneers.
“Get out!” I scream.
I turn my back on her and look out the window.
“Tell me, Joshua, how many times have you tried to contact her and been ignored?”
I don’t answer.
“She will never make you happy, Joshua.”