Page 186 of Stanton Box Set
The girls smile and exchange glances. “We’ve ordered for you.” Bridget smiles.
I nod. “Thanks, can we have cake?”
“Umm, yeah. Cameron is just getting us some.” Abbie winces.
My eyes snap to the counter where, sure enough, I see Cameron picking out cake.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I snap.
“Tash, Cameron is our friend too. He’s done nothing wrong. Why can’t you talk to him?”
I screw up my face. “You two are totally fucked. How dare you ask him here without telling me? What—is Joshua hiding in the toilet?” My eyes fly around the restaurant.
“No, he wouldn’t come. We asked him.”
“God, I’m off you two. You’re unbelievable,” I whisper angrily.
Cameron rejoins the table. “Tash.” He nods.
I smile slightly at him. He’s furious with me for hurting his brother. I can feel the animosity from here. This is a disaster. I glare at my two friends who are openly uncomfortable. The waitress brings over the coffee and cake.
“Thank you,” I whisper as she passes me the cake. I take a massive slurp of my coffee, anything so I don’t have to talk. I gasp in pain. Shit, I burnt my tongue. What in the hell temperature is this, 200 fucking degrees? Everybody watches me silently as they drink their coffee. Awkward.
“So when are you going back to LA, Cam?” Abbie asks.
“Sunday, I go back to work on Monday,” he answers flatly.
Everybody nods and takes another drink of their coffee in silence. God I’m furious.
“How are you Natasha?” Cameron asks.
I swallow the lump in my throat. “I’ve been better,” I reply flatly.
He nods but stays silent, his eyes locked on mine. I’m not taking your shit either. Bring it on, I feel like fighting with you asshole.
“Where is Adrian?” I ask
“Back in the hotel with Joshua.”
I nod and take another sip of my gazillion-degree coffee. Why did I ask that?
“Did Nicholas Anastas ever ring him? He hassled me for his number and I never heard anything,” I splutter through my burnt tongue.
Cameron shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head. “Yeah, he came over for dinner at Joshua’s last week.”
My eyes widen and I smile. “Oh my god, really. How did it go?”
“Great, they totally hit it off. The UST was ridiculous. Josh and I were worried we were going to be forced to watch gay porn when they finally got it on, but it didn’t happen.”
My face falls. “What? Not even a kiss?”
He shakes his head. “Nope.”
“Why not?” Bridget asks.
Cameron shakes his head. “No idea, they had a great night laughing and talking and then Murph walked him out at the end of the night and came back ten minutes later to announce to us that he isn’t interested, something about living too far away from each other.” He shrugs as he takes a sip of his coffee. “I don’t know what’s going on in anyone’s head at the moment, everyone’s fucked up.” His gaze comes back to me in insinuation.
I narrow my eyes. “Cameron, why don’t you just come out with it?” I reply sarcastically.