Page 179 of Stanton Box Set
“I don’t know, whatever. Who cares?” he says matter-of-factly.
Joshua laughs again as he puts his head back onto the chair. “Sounds delicious.”
I shake my head. This is going to be a long night.
It’s Wednesday, another word for hump day and, in my case, shit day, annoying day and fucking depressing day. I am going to my first court case at the jail. Coby Allender is having his first appeal hearing today. I have been witnessing his visits for the last couple of months from the private box. Today, though, I will actually be in the same room as him for the first time. The man completely freaks me out. I am just so intimidated by his intelligence and the fact that his behavior is motivated by evil only adds to the horror of dealing with a suspected serial killer. I think those nightmares I have been having are making me crazy—my imagination is running away with me. We are at the jail’s private courthouse—this is a closed hearing. Henry my boss has gone to check on some details and I am waiting alone in the corridor to go in when Mr Cheeky walks up behind me.
“Hey Doc.” He pokes me in the ribs from behind.
I turn and smile. Oh shit, it’s the guy who told me to think of him when I had sex with Joshua—my face falls.
“Don’t look so pleased to see me.” He smirks. His messy blond hair hangs over his forehead and his dark brown eyes twinkle with mischief. He’s tall and buff with a full sleeve of tatts. He has the whole naughty boy thing going on. Hmm.
I shake my head as I smile. “You’re a dick, you know that.”
He raises his eyebrows at me. “I’ve been called worse.” He smiles. “How’s your tool of a boyfrie
“Ex,” I snap. “You’re lucky he didn’t kill you that night by the way.”
He scrunches up his face. “Hmm. Good.” He smiles.
I can’t help but smile at this conceited fool. “Why is that good?”
“Because you are still totally into me, I can tell. And he’s an ex, so.” He shrugs his shoulders.
I roll my eyes. “You’ve been fighting too much. I think you’re punch drunk.”
He smiles broadly. “I thought you were coming back for more witness dates. What happened? Are you chicken shit?”
I frown. “No, am not.” I smile. “I’ve been back and you haven’t been here. Who still says that anyway… chicken shit? I haven’t heard that since first grade.” I shake my head as I readjust my jacket.
He winks. “I do. Chicken shit.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Stop calling me that,” I whisper. This guy’s confidence is starting to piss me off. “I am far from chicken shit,” I snap.
“Prove it.” He smiles. “Give me your number.”
I roll my eyes. “God, give me a break. Is that the best pick-up line you’ve got?”
He laughs. “Pretty much, are you going to fall for it?”
I frown. “No.”
He smiles again. “We’ll see … Persistence pays.”
I smile as I bite my lip. He’s definitely cute, I will give him that. Maybe I should just break out and have wild rebound sex right here, right now. “What’s your name again?” I ask.
He smiles. “Jesten Miller.”
“Do you want to know my name?” I ask.
He shrugs. “Not really, I’ll just call you Hot Doc.”
I roll my eyes. “I’m not a doctor.”