Page 140 of Stanton Box Set
“What …what kind of accident?” I gasp. He grabs my arm and I snatch it away from him. “What’s happened Max? Tell me.”
He swallows and looks around as if surveying the situation. “Joshua is in hospital. He has taken a drug overdose.”
My eyes widen, “What? What do you mean? What drug?”
He rubs the back of his neck. “Cocaine, honey.”
My face drops and I turn and start to sprint toward the door with him hot on my heels.
I look around frantically for the Audi. “Where’s the car!” I scream.
He grabs my arm, “Natasha, calm down.”
I snatch my arm away from his grip. “Take me to him!” I yell, as I start to freak out. This is all my fault. Dear god no, not this. The car pulls up and I dive in as I angrily swipe the tears from my face. I have had just about as much as I can take.
“I can only speak to immediate family.“Of course, his brother who is also a doctor is in with him now,” I reply. He nods and enters the hospital room and I follow. Cameron turns to face us as we walk in. Joshua is in the hospital bed, unconscious and still. He is hooked up to machines in the intensive care ward and nurses are everywhere. I have never been so frightened—actually that’s a lie. I have, when I was in a hospital ward just like this watching my father lose his battle for life. How did it get to this? I thought he was ok. I knew he was down but I never thought he would purposely take an overdose. This is my worst nightmare.
“I’m Mark Reynolds. I will be Joshua’s doctor.”
Cameron nods and holds out his hand to shake the doctor’s. ?
??Cameron Stanton,” he replies as he turns back to look at his brother. “What are the stats?” Cameron asks.
Dr Reynolds picks up the chart from the end of the bed. “We have put him in an induced coma to bring his heart rate and blood pressure down. He is suffering Tachyarrhythmia and at this point we are very concerned about him suffering a cerebral hemorrhage or heart failure.”
Cameron drops his head and picks up Joshua’s hand. “Christ,” he murmurs. “How long until he’s out of the woods?”
The doctor shrugs. “Usually about twelve hours, but it could be sooner. If we can just keep his body cool, I think he will make it but I can’t be sure. And then you know of course, depending on how long he went without oxygen, there is a chance he may have sustained brain damage.” Cameron nods and drops his head again as I slump into the chair. Why is this happening? “I would suggest you call your family. Is he married?”
Cameron looks at Joshua again. “Yes,” he replies softly. “His wife Natasha is on her way.”
The doctor rubs Cameron’s shoulder. “I suggest you start praying.” He gives me a nod before exiting the room.
“Natasha is on her way?” I ask.
Cameron nods, unable to speak past his tears, and slumps onto the floor next to Joshua’s bed, his head in his hands. For five hours I sit silently in the corner as I watch Joshua’s nurse apply and re-apply water cooling blankets directly to his skin and check his vitals and check his vitals. He is hooked up to so many machines but the heartbeat sound echoing through the room is comforting—as long as I hear that beep all is ok. Cameron is a mess. I have never seen him like this. He had to ring his mother and break the news. I feel like I am having an out-of-body experience. I am numb—this can’t be real.
“I’m going to get you a drink Cam.” He gives me a weak smile and nods as I walk back into the hall. Ben is waiting patiently with Pete, Joshua’s driver, in the small lounge area opposite Joshua’s room. They both immediately stand as I walk toward them, their faces anxious.
“He’s still ok, no news.” I mutter.
“Thank god,” Ben blows out a breath.
I rub my head. “I’m going to get some coffee. Do you want some?”
Ben nods, “Yeah, I’ll come with you.”
“I’m just going to the bathroom. I won’t be a minute.” I head through the double doors that lead to the bathrooms.
Two minutes later Ben comes into the bathroom after me. “Do you want the bad news or the bad news?” he asks me.
“Dear god, what’s happened?” I stammer.
“No, nothing with Josh … sorry that was put badly. Vinegar tits just arrived.”
My face drops. “Who in the hell rang her?”