Page 121 of Stanton Box Set
A red–headed lady in her fifties comes around the corner and gives us a loving smile.
“There’s my boy,” she laughs in a German accent. She pulls Adrian into an embrace and gives him a cuddle, which he returns.
“Where is my other boy?” she asks as she looks out the front door for Joshua.
“This is Birgetta, Joshua’s housekeeper. He is on his way. Birgetta, this is Natasha.” I smile as I shake her hand. Her eyes shoot to Adrian, he smiles and nods.
“Speak to me child.” She smiles.
“Um, hello, nice to meet you,” I stammer. She laughs and claps her hands together and holds them under her chin as if praying.
“Australian—so you’re the beloved Natasha.” She pulls me into a cuddle. Yep, I like her already. Anyone who calls me beloved Natasha is in the good books. A man’s voice echoes from the room next door.
“Birgetta, where’s my drink? I’m not a fucking camel.” Adrian rolls his eyes and Birgetta shakes her head. I frown.
“Who is that?” I snap.
Adrian gives me a sympathetic smile. “Carson,” he says deadpan. “He’s Josh’s best friend.”
I narrow my eyes. “You’re his best friend Adrian.” He smiles and grabs my hand. The voice echoes again. “Birgetta, is this a fucking joke?” Birgetta goes to walk off but I grab her by the elbow.
“Why don’t you two wait here?” Adrian frowns, not understanding my meaning. I storm into the next room. Oh shit, this is worse than I imagined. There are five men in the lounge room all sitting on the biggest leather lounge I have ever seen. They are all drinking and have a tray of what looks like frigging cocaine on the coffee table. Is this for real? Adrian walks in behind me and the boys notice him and all start yelling.
“Murphy, you’re home. Where’s Stan? We thought we would host a little welcome home party. Birgetta, drinks…fuck.” Oh my god, he did not just yell at her to get him a drink. I cross my arms in front of me.
“This is Natasha,” Adrian says. They all ignore me and go back to their conversation. Ok, I have had enough of this shit. I am fuming. Who are these losers? I walk over to the stereo and turn the music off and they all look up to see what happened.
Carson speaks first. “Birgetta, you speaka de English? I want a drink.”
I glare at him. “And I want you to treat Joshua’s staff with some respect. Please get your own drinks.”
Adrian grabs my arm from behind and I snatch it away. “Don’t,” I snap.
Carson looks up at me. “Who the hell are you?”
I cross my arms. “Who the hell are you?” I snap.
He narrows his eyes at me. “I’m Joshua’s best friend and I don’t take orders from bimbos. So fuck off.”
I smile a sarcastic smile and raise my eyebrows. “Did you just tell me to fuck off?” I asked way too sweetly.
Adrian steps in. “Carson, this is Natasha…you know Natasha, Natasha.” He widens his eyes.
Carson stands up. “I don’t care if she’s the fucking queen of England. I don’t take orders from anyone. And there is no way in hell I’m listening to her.”
I smirk. “We’ll see asshole,” I snap. Birgetta puts her hands over her eyes and leaves the room as Joshua comes in the front door. He looks around the room and quickly sums up the situation. The animosity in the air is stifling. He puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple as he pulls me into him. The boys all jump up and run to Joshua to shake his hand.
“Stan the man…you’re back.” Oh get off it you losers—so fake.
“Boys this is Natasha, my girlfriend.”
Horror dawns on their faces and you could hear a pin drop.
I smile at the boys. “Nice to meet you, now get the fuck out,” I snap.
Joshua coughs in shock. “Natasha,” he gasps.
“They go or I do Josh. There is no way in hell I am staying here with these drug–fucked assholes.” His shocked eyes shoot to Adrian. “What’s going on?” he asks him?