Page 115 of Stanton Box Set
“I’m protecting you. You raving bitch,” he yells. Silence fills the room. His eyes widen at the realisation I have just tricked him into getting angry so he would speak unguardedly. I sit on his desk and smile.
“There it is. Bingo. Adrian can you leave us please.” Adrian smiles and walks over and kisses my forehead.
“Bye baby, love your work.” He grabs my hand and squeezes it before he leaves through the door. I lower my voice and pat the desk next to me.
“Come sit with me, Josh. What are you protecting me from?” He looks at the floor and won’t make eye contact with me.
“I’m not having this conversation, Natasha.”
“Then I’m not leaving. Come home with me and we can fight in private. You do realise that your workers are listening, right?” He frowns as he looks up to the door and realises that I’m right. I smile as he puts his jacket on.
“Come,” he holds his hand out for me and I grab it like an olive branch. The embarrassing thought that I have to go back through the office where I have just screamed fuck off to the valued employees makes my stomach turn and I pull back on Josh’s arm. He frowns at me.
“What,” he snaps.
“I just yelled fuck off to your receptionists.”
He smiles. “Why are you such a firecracker? Isn’t slapping my face enough aggression for one day.” Oh god, he had to bring that up didn’t he?
“Josh, if I see you kissing girls I can’t be held responsible for my actions.” He gives me a sad smile and nods.
“We need to talk presh because we can’t be together anymore.”
My heart drops. “Don’t say that Josh. Just take me home.”
He gives me a heavy smile and nods. “Let’s go then.”
We sit in silence on the way home. We stand in silence in the lift, and I have to say I’m feeling very nervous. I thought when I caught him out with the deception all would be ok. But it is becoming seemingly more likely that it won’t, he’s too controlled and too silent. We walk into my apartment and are immediately greeted by the sight of my new suitcase sitting in the centre of my living room. He frowns and looks at me.
“Going somewhere?”
“Um, yes, I’m going to LA on Friday to pick out a new house remember, or have you forgotten that too?” He nods and sits me on the lounge chair. He turns and faces the window as he puts his hands in his pockets.
“Natasha, I want you to go back to Christopher.” Horror dawns.
“What?” I gasp.
“I know he loves you and he will look after you.”
I immediately stand. “Josh, I don’t want Christopher, I only want you.” He keeps his back to me and I know it’s so I don’t see his face. I walk over and cuddle him from behind.
“Josh, what’s this about? Talk to me, I don’t understand.” He turns and cuddles me as he kisses the top of my head.
“Tash, I’m going to be honest with you because I love you and I want what’s best for you. I want you to hear me out before speaking.” I nod.
“I wasn’t with that girl last night. I was in the strip club for about ten minutes, picked her up and left. It was totally premeditated that the photos were taken. I didn’t realise that you knew me as well as you do and in hindsight it was a bad decision but I still think that we should break up.” Ok, now he’s scaring me.
“Josh,” I whisper as tears fill my eyes. “Don’t say that baby.”
“Hear me out, I can’t give you everything that you deserve. You have to give up everything to be with me,” he says deadpan as if running on autopilot.
I frown. “Josh, moving to the other side of the world is not giving up everything and besides I told you already as long as we are together I don’t care.”
“Tash, you have to give up your job, your friends and your family.” He looks down to the ground. “Motherhood,” he whispers. My eyes turn to saucers.
“This is about children?” I gasp. His haunted eyes come back up to meet mine and I know immediately that’s the reason. He needs to be sectioned, what in the hell is he on about? I burst a giggle and he looks at me in disgust.
“This is not funny, Natasha, not even close.”