Page 108 of Stanton Box Set
“Good morning presh. How did my girl sleep?” His velvety voice rasps down the phone line. I smile as I stretch and listen to the sexy voice on the other end.
“Hmm, fine thanks, where are you?” I say with my voice still husky from sleep.
“I trained this morning, remember, with Murphy and we are now having breakfast in a café.” I rub my eyes as I try to bring them into focus.
“That’s right, come home and come back to bed, baby. I don’t like waking up without you.”
I can hear him smiling down the phone line. “What time will you and the girls be at my house?” I roll my eyes. Josh’s friend is coming in from America today with his family to take his kids to the Great Barrier Reef. They have stopped off specifically in Sydney to see him and Josh has organised a lunch at his place for them. I don’t know who this friend is, but he must be important to Josh as he has been on my case about not being late since Friday. Abbie and Bridget are coming, as well as the usual boy crew.
“Is this my wakeup call?” I smile down the line.
“Yes. I want you at my house in an hour.”
I roll my eyes. “Not happening Stanton. It’s Sunday. I won’t be there until eleven.”
I can almost hear his eyes bulging. “No. I said I want you here early.”
I smile. “And I said I will see you at eleven.” I am so not going over there in an hour, tough shit as he would say. He stays silent and I smile. I’ve got him. He knows I am not going over before eleven and there is nothing he can do about it.
“Fine but so help me, if you’re any later than that…you’re going to cop it.”
I smile. “Oohh, I hope so baby. Copping it is my favourite pastime. You know I’m naked right now, don’t you?” I purr.
He smiles down the line and I can hear him walk away from the others. “Behave my beautiful slut, I want you here early so I can have you to myself for an hour before anyone else gets here.” I smile. I know that’s not the reason. He’s nervous about me meeting his friends. Their opinion must matter…a lot.
“Who is this friend Josh? And why is it so important I’m there early?”
“No reason. Just get here. I’m going. I will see you soon.” And he hangs up. He didn’t like the last question I threw him, hmm, interesting. Mr Stanton really is a confusing puzzle, one that I am having fun working out.
“And this is Natasha,” he presents me to his friend and his wife three hours later like a prized pig with his hand at my lower back. I smile, feeling uncomfortable. Ok, now I wish I had gotten here earlier as they arrived before me—awkward. Joshua is not impressed with us being an hour late but, in my defence, Abbie is having a crisis. She thinks she is falling in love with Tristen the army guy and was practically hyperventilating when we got to her house. We had to stop for emergency caffeine and a pep talk. Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. If he wants to date a puppet he’s with the wrong girl.
I smile a nervous smile. “Hello.” I shake both of their hands. The wife is about thirty–two at a guess and stunning. I think she might be Italian or something. She has beautiful dark features and a figure to die for.
“This is Maria.” Joshua smiles. “And this is Sean. Sean and I play polo together and he and Maria are probably the only friends I have who are happily married.”
Oh. I frown. “Don’t you have any other friends who are married?” I ask.
He nods. “Yes plenty, but most of them hate each other.” We all laugh.
Sean gives me a warm smile and shakes my hand. “Lovely to finally meet you Natasha.” Oh boy, what does that mean? How long has he known I exist? I nervously look at Joshua who is smiling at me with a twinkle in his eye. I smile back and have an inkling I am forgiven for my lateness. Then I am accosted by three little girls who run around my legs as they chase each other.
“These are our children: Bonita, Francesca and Allegra.” I smile and shake the girls’ hands, yep definitely Italian judging by the names. They’re adorable and I can’t help but like them.
“You’re pretty,” says the little one.
I smile and hunch my shoulders. “Thank you.”
“Mummy says Uncle Joshua loves you.” I laugh out loud and Maria hushes the girls as she tries to control their giggling behaviour.
Josh rolls his eyes. “Are you giving away my secrets, Bonita?” He bends and tickles the little girl who has just divulged his information. She screams as she tries to escape. This is going well So they know about me and Maria thinks he loves me. Maybe this day won’t be so bad. Cameron walks around to the backyard, looking like what the cat dragged in. He looks dreadful and Abbie winces as she sees him. “You look terrible. What time did you go to bed?”
He looks at his arm where his watch should be. “Far out, I left my watch there…um…” He scratches his head. “I haven’t been to bed yet.”
Josh smiles and shakes his head. “You’re hopeless.”
Cam smiles at Sean and then shakes his hand. “Hi Sean.” He then looks affectionately at Maria.
“How’s the best sort in America?” He walks over and kisses her cheek and she slaps him on the arm.