Page 106 of Stanton Box Set
“Cam’s going to be a doctor doing shiftwork at a hospital and when he’s not there…Let’s face it, he will be playing Dr Dreamy in bed. Besides I have a lot in common with Adrian.” He smiles and nods as if understanding my point.
“Come on then,” he releases the tight hold he has on my body and I feel the loss of the contact. “Let me give you a tip, Miss Marx,” he growls as his eyes drop to my skirt and then back up to my breasts. “If you want to make it through lunch without being fucked on the table, you had better change clothes. This whole secretary thing you have going on,” he waves his hand up the length of my body, “is making me so hard I might break you.”
I smile and
bite my lip. “I didn’t bring any spare clothes, Mr Stanton. I hope I don’t get into trouble, sir,” I whisper darkly. Two can play this game. If he wants to play bosses and secretaries, he had better well be good at it. He smirks a smile and does up my top button. His eyes linger on my lips.
“You’re a beautiful slut.” He turns me so my back is to his front and pulls me against his erection. “I can’t wait to fuck you with those glasses on.” He bites my neck hard from behind and smacks me hard on the behind as he pushes me forward.
We walk out through the lobby to wait for Adrian with our hands linked and I am immediately made aware, by the amount of attention we are getting, that the staff have never seen Joshua with anyone. All of his workers are doing a double take at the affection between us. The two female secretaries literally swoon at the sight of him, so much so I don’t think they even notice I am actually on the other end of his arm, silly bitches. Hmm, mental note, watch out for secretaries; he seems a little too interested in secretary get–up for my liking. Adrian joins us and the three of us head to lunch together with our three bodyguards trailing behind us. Is this necessary? It all seems a bit dramatic. We go to a place a few blocks from the building and head into the reception. We are greeted by a waitress whose eyes linger a little too long on my two lunch dates. She doesn’t even look at me—how annoying. Honey, wipe the drool from your chin, it’s kind of embarrassing. While we are waiting to be seated a bustle comes through the restaurant. A group of reporters have just spotted someone and are rushing towards him as he leaves the restaurant. I turn to see who they are looking at and I see my boss Henry walking towards me.
“Hi, Natasha, you guys having lunch?” I nod and smile and turn to introduce Adrian and Joshua when I am literally stunned to silence. My absolute guru, Nicholas Anastas, is walking up behind Henry. My eyes literally pop from their sockets and luckily Henry knows what’s going on in that messed–up head of mine and takes over the introductions.
“Hi, I’m Henry, Natasha’s boss, and this is Nicholas Anastas.” Joshua shakes Henry’s hand first. “Joshua Stanton.” He smiles and then shakes Nicholas’s hand. “Joshua Stanton.” He smiles again. I am standing, stunned to my core. This man is the most brilliant psychologist on the planet and has written the very bible of psychology. He is a world famous author. I am totally dumbstruck—I have no words.
“This is Natasha Marx who works with me.”
Nicholas shakes my hand and smiles. “Hello Natasha.”
Oh my god he touched my hand…freaking out right now. “Hello,” I nervously smile. He then turns his attention to Adrian and they shake hands.
“Nicholas Anastas.” He nods and smiles.
“Adrian Murphy.” Adrian smiles. They stay shaking hands a little too long and I have to say the chemistry between them is off the charts. Nicholas is an older—maybe fortyish— European, six foot two, gorgeous man and in perfect physical condition. He is wearing a charcoal suit and I am a little in awe of his beauty. He is so much better looking in person than I ever imagined. He has a presence—like Joshua and Adrian. I think all powerful and dominant men have it. His and Adrian’s eyes are locked on each other. What the hell? Adrian’s eyes widen at the contact and Nicholas frowns as he looks down at their hands. Shit, what is going on here? Adrian pulls his hand out of Nicholas’s grip a little too quickly and looks nervously at me as he swallows.
Henry smiles. “Nice to meet you.” Then he walks toward the door.
Nicholas, however, stands still on the spot, his eyes drilling into Adrian.
“It’s been very nice, Adrian,” his husky voice whispers, he nods and is out the door.
Joshua frowns. “What the hell was that about?” he asks Adrian.
“I have no idea.” He wipes his forehead in frustration.
I do wide eyes at Adrian and link my arm through his. “Oh my god, the hottest man on the planet just totally made a play at you.” I giggle. Joshua turns and looks at me deadpan.
“I mean second–hottest man on the planet after you, of course, baby.” I smile.
He fake–smiles back and nods his head. “Sure you did,” he mouths at me. We take our seat.
“Who was that god?” Adrian asks me wide–eyed.
“Only one of the most intelligent men on the planet. He’s a psychologist. You’re right. He is a god and a bloody good author, not to mention smoking frigging hot.”
Josh puts his menu down and rolls his eyes at me. “Down low on the frigging hot,” he snaps. I smile and grab his hand. I have to say I am loving jealous Mr Stanton a little too much—he’s just simply too delicious. I am interrupted by a man who comes through the crowd to our table.
“Excuse me, Mr Murphy.” Adrian frowns. It is then I notice Adrian’s bodyguard coming up behind the man.
“Can I help you?” he asks the man. The man looks at the bodyguard and then at Adrian, unsure of who he is. Adrian looks a little embarrassed.
“I’m a friend of Nicholas Anastas,” he says. My eyes must light up because Joshua squeezes my hand so tight he nearly breaks a bloody finger.
Adrian turns to his bodyguard. “It’s ok, Sam.” The bodyguard backs off and the man narrows his eyes as if summing up the situation and turns back to Adrian.
“Mr Anastas asked me to give you this. He said to tell you he would have come back himself but the photographers were following him and he didn’t want to embarrass you.” He passes Adrian a business card, dips his head and walks away. Adrian looks at the business card and frowns and then turns it over to read the back, he then bites his lip and smiles at Joshua. Joshua is sitting watching Adrian with his elbow on the table, running the side of his pointer back and forth over his lip, his thinking position.
I, however, am just about to wet myself. “Oh my god Adrian what does it say?”