Page 101 of Stanton Box Set
“I see.” She smiles. I look over and see a girl I used to go to school with and we wave at each other over the crowd. I’m not sitting here and listening to desperate and dateless make a play for my man, I might as well mingle. I pull my chair out and Josh grabs my hand.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
I fake a smile. “Over here to see my friend. I’m sure Tittiana here won’t mind amusing you.” He narrows his eyes. En route to my friend I glance out to the balcony and stop dead in my tracks. Oh my god. It’s Christopher. I haven’t seen him since he asked me to marry him and I consequently broke up with him. My heart–rate immediately picks up. Holy fuck, this is a disaster. I pull out my phone and text the girls
Wedding is going great. Dolly Parton cracking
on to Mr Stanton.
And Christopher just turned up.
I continue walking to my friend and I glance back to see Joshua’s eyes firmly on me. He’s not happy I left him there but seriously I’m just not in the mood for Tatiana tonight. Don’t mess with a hormonal woman has always been my mantra. And if she had any sense she
would take the tip. My phone texts a message from Bridget:
Shit, what did Christopher say?
Is he still gorgeous?
I get to my friend Tracey and give her a kiss on the cheek. She continues to babble about the flowers in the church or something. My eyes flick back to Joshua and he is still deep in conversation with the Bimbo central table. I look towards Christopher; his beauty is arresting. His black wavy hair and dark features stand out above the crowd. He’s tall, maybe about six foot one and built in a lean sort of way. I met him at university; he’s an orthopaedic surgeon. I did love him, just not in the way I love Joshua. It’s sad because if we had met in any other lifetime I have no doubt he could have made me very happy. In the end I had to let him go. It was selfish of me to let it carry on as long as I did. I had no idea he was going to ask me to marry him. He was desperately in love with me and I was desperately in love with Joshua. Shit, I don’t know what to even say to him. Why in the hell didn’t I stay home and watch that porno. Hell, I would have bought popcorn. Tracey babbles on a bit more and I feel an arm go around my waist and I turn, expecting to see Joshua. My heart sinks, it’s Christopher and I’m hit with the pain of guilt. He was too good for me; he deserved better.
He bends and kisses me on the cheek. “Hello, Natasha,” he smiles. My eyes flick to Josh who is now watching me like a hawk. I swallow again.
“Hi, how have you been?”
Christopher raises his eyebrows. “You mean since I asked you to marry me and you broke my heart instead.”
I drop my eyes. “Christopher, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You have to believe me, I’m not the girl for you.”
He bites his bottom lip, “Not really what I wanted you to say Tash. You haven’t missed me at all?” I drop my head.
“Christopher, we wanted different things.” I’m getting uncomfortable with this conversation. Josh will go apeshit if he hears this and after last night I can’t risk his temper. He’s displaying psycho tendencies. I couldn’t bear it if he hurt Christopher. He goes to grab my hand and I pull it away and go to turn and slam straight into Josh who is standing behind me. I feel faint. This is the worse timing ever. I haven’t run into Chris since we broke up. Why tonight? Joshua looks at me and raises his eyebrows in a silent question.
“Um Joshua, this is Christopher. Christopher meet Joshua, my, my boyfriend.” Joshua narrows his eyes at my awkward introduction and Christopher glares at Josh. “Boyfriend—I see it hasn’t taken you long to move on.” He glares at Joshua. Oh for the love of god, please shut up.
Christopher smiles at Joshua. “Commiserations my man. I’m the ex–boyfriend and she’s a hard act to follow.” He smiles a devious smile. “Although I have no doubt you will find that out for yourself soon enough.” He storms off. All of the blood drains from my face and I look up at Joshua and grab his hand.
“Can we go?” I plead.
“No,” he snaps and storms back to the table, practically ripping my arm out of the socket. He sits at the table and immediately drains his champagne glass.
Tatianna titties puts her hand on Joshua’s shoulder. “Where did you go?”
I glare at her deadpan. “He came to find me, seeing as I’m his girlfriend,” I snap.
She smiles. “Of course,” she replies. Seriously, this night is turning very ugly indeed.
“How long were you with him?” I have butterflies in my stomach and I don’t want to have this conversation.
“Josh, it doesn’t matter. It’s over. I didn’t know he was going to be here.”
He glares at me. “How long?”
I swallow. “Two and a half years.” He runs his tongue over the front of his top teeth as he glares at me.
“Is he the guy who asked you to marry him?”