Page 34 of Our Way
“Could it be possible, Nathan, that your body is just catching up with your heart?”
“No.” The room begins to spin.
“That maybe it’s taken this long for you to allow yourself to feel again?”
“You’re wrong,” I snap, angered that this fucker has wasted my time. “I’m just horny.”
“So, why not go and sleep with someone else tonight? If it’s that easily fixed, go and take what you want.”
Fury begins to bubble deep inside of me. “You don’t know me.” I sneer.
“How long has it been since you’ve had sex with someone, Nathan?”
He hits a nerve, and I swallow the lump in my throat. “A few months.”
“Why do you think that is?”
I hate this fucking guy.
Our eyes are locked, and anger hangs in the air between us.
“Would you feel like you’re betraying Eliza if you were intimate with someone else? If you gave your body to someone else and not her?”
My nostrils flair as tears threaten to fall.
I drop my head, rattled.
I wake slowly to the sun peering through the side of the drapes. My head is snuggled into Nathan’s broad chest while he’s on his back. His fingers are mindlessly running through my hair. He’s obviously been awake for a while.
I inhale deeply and pull out of his arms to stretch.
“Morning,” he whispers in a gravelly voice.
I smile sleepily. “Hi.” I look around for my phone. “What time is it? Where’s the alarm?”
“It didn’t go off yet. You forgot to close the drapes last night.”
I wince against the morning sun. “You mean you forgot to close the drapes. Since when has it been my job?”
“Well, if we were at my house,it would be my job, but since this is your house…” He shrugs.
I roll my eyes and climb out of bed. “Just do us both a favour and don’t speak today, okay?”
He chuckles, rolls onto his side to face me, and leans up onto his elbow. His eyes slowly drop down to my bare legs. They linger for a moment on my thighs, and then as if remembering where he is, they snap back up to my face.
I’m wearing panties and a camisole. I’m also braless with everything hanging out but that’s nothing new. This is my usual sleeping attire so I put my hands on my hips. “What are you looking at?”
“Did you just check me out?”
“No.” He frowns as if disgusted. “Are you kidding?” He climbs out of bed in a rush. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He demands. “Why would you even say that?” He storms into the bathroom and slams the door.
I begin to make the bed. Jeez, I was joking. Why’s he so touchy today?