Page 156 of Our Way
“It’s supposed to be a turn on.” Jolie shrugs. “God, Brooke, you really need to get out more.”
Brooke widens her eyes. “Obviously.”
“Anyway,” Jolie says. “He wants me to squirt on him.”
“Are you going to?” I wince.
“Yeah.” She shrugs. “Why not?” She takes a forkful of her salad. “And he asked me last night if I wanted his friend to join us in bed.”
Brooke and I stare at her, dumbfounded.
“Who are you?” Brooke holds her temples. “I can’t deal with this guy. He’s stressing me out.”
“You know what?” Jolie scoffs as she chews a huge mouthful of food. “He’s fucking hot, that’s who he is. I’m in the prime of my life, and I’m having fun while I can. Fuck it.”
“And fuck all his friends,” Brooke mutters dryly. “If you film that, I swear to God, I’m getting you sectioned in a fucking straight jacket.”
I get the giggles. This really is hilarious.
Jolie picks up her drink and frowns as she stares into it. “Oh no, a little bug just flew into my drink.”
“Scoop it out,” I say.
“Well, I can’t drink it now, it’s ruined.”
Brooke looks at her. Deadpan. “I know for a fact that you’ve had worse things in your mouth.”
Jolie rolls her eyes, and I giggle.
“So, tell us about your trip?” Brooke says to change the subject.
I swallow my food whole and it scrapes all the way down my throat. “Well.” I hit my chest to try and make the food go down. “Something happened… something wonderful.”
They continue to eat.
“Nathan and I…” My voice trails off.
They both look up from their plates, waiting for my reply.
“We… we… fell in love.”
Brooke’s fork hits the plate with a clang. “What?”
I swallow the lump in my throat. “We’ve been having these feelings.”
“Since when?” Jolie screws up her face.
“Before we went away, Nathan told me that he had feelings for me, and it kind of went from there and just happened.”
They look at each other, and then look back to me, horrified.
“Eliza, he’s gay,” Jolie says.
“N-no,” I stammer. “He’s just been with men before. It doesn’t mean he’s completely gay.”
“Eliza, honey.” Brooke takes my hand over the table me. “Don’t mistake one night of sex with love.”
“It’s not just sex. We’re in love. I thought you’d be happy for us.”