Page 73 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
I watch Sarah, and she frowns as she listens. “He said that?”
I need to end this call. “Yes, Alex. Sounds great, see you Saturday.” I hang up in a rush.
Sarah is smirking as she stares down at her desk.
“Oh, I don’t know.” She smiles. “I’ll have to think about it.” She listens for a moment. “Thanks for letting me know. Yeah, it’s okay. I completely understand.”
She hangs up and turns to me. “Well, that’s that.” She throws her hands up in the air. “Spencer Jones just dumped me.”
“What did he say?”
“He said that he wasn’t over his old girlfriend and it wasn’t fair to start something with me.”
I stare at her. That was the last excuse I ever thought he would give. “Oh.”
“He said that Richard had asked him if he could call me because he felt that he and I had hit it off.”
“Really?” I smile in surprise. That was nice of him to say that to boost her confidence.
She shrugs and tries hard not to smile, but I can tell she’s flattered. “I don’t think I’ll go out with him, though. He isn’t really my type.”
“I thought Richard was hot.” I smile.
“Really?” She frowns.
“Yes, really.”
My email pings again.
I need to talk to you. You are worrying me. I don’t understand what’s going on???
Please give me your number.
I blow out a dejected breath. He doesn’t know what’s going on because I hardly know myself. I loiter around work for a half an hour, and finally come to a conclusion: there’s no harm in talking to him I suppose.
Mr Spencer
My number is 07712345678
A reply comes back immediately.
I have a business dinner on tonight. I’ll call you when I get home around 9pm.
Spence: xoxo
I stare at the hugs and kisses, and I feel my heart flutter. He’s calling me tonight. I want to spin around on my chair in excitement.
I won’t, of course. I’ll pretend, even to myself, that this is an inconvenience.
I click the email closed and turn my attention to Sarah and Paul. “You guys want to go to the pub for drinks after work?” I ask.
Paul shrugs. “Yeah, why not? May as well. I’ve got nothing but mouldy cheese in my fridge at home, anyway.”
Sarah smiles and types away on her keyboard. “Yes, but can we go to the Grange?” “Sure, but why?”