Page 260 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
“It has, and I’m due for a trip very soon.” I glance up to the two men in front of me. “I have a friend arriving there tonight. Can you check if she’s arrived yet for me, please?”
“Sure thing. What’s her name?”
What would she have used? I think for a moment while Harold and Edward watch on.
“Lottie Preston.”
“Just a minute.” I hear her tapping away on the keys at her computer. “Ah, yes. She won’t arrive until later tonight. Can I leave a message?”
“No, thank you. I’ll call back later,” I say before hanging up.
I turn to them. “I know where she’s going.”
They both place their hands over their chests in relief. “Thank God. Where?”
I stare at them for a moment. This is my only leverage and I need to use it.
“I want to speak to William,” I say steadily.
“Fuck off,” Edward growls. “He doesn’t want to speak to you.”
“Fine. Then get out.”
Harold’s face falls. “Please, Spencer, tell us where she is. She’s in danger out there on her own.”
“I’ll tell William where she is.”
“Why would you want to speak to him?” Edward snaps. “Haven’t you done enough to him already?”
“I need to apologise.” I pause. “I had no idea she was married.”
“Bull-fucking-shit. She told us everything.”
I raise a brow. “And you believe anything that comes out of that lying bitch’s mouth, right? I knew her as Stephanie, and it gets worse. She’s actually contacted me a few times over the last few years and begged to see me again.”
Harold’s face falls.
“Every time she’s in London, she tries to see me. I’m telling you, she’s fucking other guys all the time.”
“I knew it.” Edward narrows his eyes. “I need proof.”
Harold frowns as his watches me. “Have you ever…?” “Fuck, no.” I wince. “I’m mortified that she put me in the position she
did that night.” I drop my head in shame. “I’m not proud of it, I’m telling you.” I exhale heavily. “The look on William’s face will haunt me forever.”
Edward glares at me.
“I love Charlotte. I would never have pursued her had I known that she knew Stephanie.”
“Penelope.” Harold glares at me. “Christ, you don’t even know her fucking name.”
“That’s right, I don’t. Now she’s telling all these lies to protect herself at the expense of Charlotte’s heart.” I sigh sadly. “She makes me fucking sick. Charlotte doesn’t deserve to be hurt like this. I can’t stand that she is.”
“It’s your word against hers,” Edward says. “Give me proof. I need concrete evidence that she’s come to you. If I can prove that she’s still sleeping around, he can divorce her and get custody of Harrison.”
“I don’t have any. Maybe my phone records can show the times she’s contacted me?” I offer. “I don’t know.” I hold Edward’s stare. “Bring William to me and I’ll tell you where Charlotte is.”
“Why should we?” Harold snaps.