Page 234 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
“Or else I won’t come back at all,” I whisper.
We smile at each other, and it’s like he’s the only person on earth.
My person.
“I love you.” He smiles as he holds me tight.
“I love you.”
Our moment is interrupted when his phone vibrates in his pocket. He digs it out and reads it. His eyes light up in excitement.
“Bree’s in labour.”
My phone vibrates across my desk and I answer it quickly. “Any news?” I ask Spencer.
“She’s five centimetres dilated.”
“Is she all right?”
“In Masters’ words, she’s a champion.”
Excitement sweeps though me. “How many times have you spoken to him today?”
“Every hour on the hour.”
I love these men, they’re so close. “Were you this excited when he had his other children?’
“Yes,” he gasps. “Babies are fucking exciting, Charlotte.” I smile dreamily as I imagine the day that Spencer becomes a father, and how excited he will be. I hope it’s to my children.
“Are you going to go see them tonight?” I ask.
“If the baby is here, we will.”
“We?” I frown. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Don’t be stupid. You’re part of our gang now. Don’t you want to see the baby too?”
I smile goofily. “I do.”
“I also organised for us to look through that office space I found. The estate agent is meeting us there at six.”
“You… did?”
“What’s with the delay?”
“Spence,” I whisper. “Do you really think I can do this?”
“I know you can, angel,” he replies without hesitation. “You know you can, too.”
I nod with renewed determination. “You’re right, I can do this.”
“The building may not be what you’re looking for, anyway. We’re just getting a feel for it at this stage.”
“Again, you’re right.”