Page 224 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
We walk out into the kitchen and he takes a seat at the kitchen counter.
“What’s going on, love?” he asks softly. “I hardly slept last night.”
My eyes fill with tears. “Me, either.” I take his hand in mine. “I love him, Dad.”
He smiles softly. “I know you think you do...”
“No.” I shake my head. “Dad, I do.”
His eyes hold mine. “Tell me everything.”
I feel my nerves rise, because I know how important it is that I get this right.
“We met a while ago and…” How much do I actually tell him? All of it. “We went on a few dates.”
“How did I not know you were dating anyone?”
“Dad, you don’t know anything about me. I’m alone most of the time. You and Edward are so busy with work that you would have no idea what’s going on with me and my life. Not really.”
His face falls with disappointment.
“Spencer’s not what he seems, Dad.”
“Surely you can understand my fears.”
“I know, and I hate his reputation, too, but he’s not like that.” I shrug. “He used to be, but he’s changed, and a lot of the stories about him are untrue. That story said he was in Ibiza last week when he was here with me the whole time. He doesn’t even know the models named in those stories.”
He raises his brow sceptically.
“I know some of it’s true, and I have no doubt he was a player,” I add. “I’m not stupid.”
His eyes hold mine. “You are a target for someone like him. You’re young and innocent. He’s a lot older than you, Charlotte.”
“I know, but thirteen years isn’t that bad. I just don’t seem to like men my own age.”
“You haven’t dated any. How would you know?”
I shrug. “I just know.”
“I feel like he’s taking advantage of your inexperience.”
“Dad, he rejected me at first because of my inexperience.”
He frowns. “What do you mean?”
Oh Hell, why did I say that? I hesitate.
“Go on,” he urges.
“After a few dates, when we got closer, I told Spencer that I was… inexperienced… and he immediately broke it off with me. He said he didn’t deserve me.”
His eyes hold mine as he listens intently.
“Weeks later, I lied and told him that I wasn’t a virgin anymore in the hope that he would relax and take me out. I know he didn’t want me if he had to take that innocence away from me.”
“Charlotte,” he whispers in horror. “What on earth were you thinking?”
“Dad, don’t you see? I pursued him just as much as he pursued me. It’s special between us.”